I am happy that Patriots lost!!!! I'm sorry to OceanBlue. LoL
I believe COLTS will be in superbowl again.
Shel, I thought you're rooting for Ravens and Cardinals. Let COLTS beat your home Ravens! :giggle:
I don't care about Cowboys because it had superbowl champ 5 times.
That's interesting. Can I ask you a question? What kind of Europe's political views? In USA's political views are Democratic, Republican, Liberation, some independence and Centrist. Our US President Obama is Democratic in present time.
I would like to make a suggest for forum to vote. It up to Alex and Moderator. I like to see AD members can vote to keep same forum or add new.
I noticed the AD members are not interesting into stem cell to cure for deafness. They prefer to choice hearing aids and cochlear implant only...