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  1. LiLyxLui

    picture of your laughs!

    My homboi is stupid, lol He was using my laptop and He've tried shot on me by webcam, He make a mistake press when webcam zoom is over a bit. That's how shot on me by my half face. he's freaked out on webcam things .. haha ehz! He's suck!! anyways, I guess this is my laugh pic. Isn't it? :-/
  2. LiLyxLui

    The Official Member Picture Thread

    This is old pic last thankgivings 2003. Guess what? which one I am!?!? :o)
  3. LiLyxLui

    The Official Member Picture Thread

    Took it by Happy new year... umm U know which one I am! haha
  4. LiLyxLui

    Your desktop. UPDATE!

    I've brought and got new Hp laptop few month ago.. so, here's wallpaper.. looks simple & plain~ :rolleyes: well. That is for school work..
  5. LiLyxLui

    Your desktop. UPDATE!

    Ok this is my new wallpaper now
  6. LiLyxLui

    Animation GIF

    hahaha... crybaby...
  7. LiLyxLui

    Animation GIF act funny.. I think thats so cute!! :-P
  8. LiLyxLui

    Deaf Woman shot in face gosh* That's so sad...*shakehead* Now, there're out of more crazy peoples...omg!
  9. LiLyxLui

    18 yrs old Lady's Scratch Ticket

    Damn. I hate small store or gas station store either. I never go there even again. cuz I've fucking pissed off at them. They are so stupid.
  10. LiLyxLui

    Doctors remove 80kg tumour from woman

    wow... damn
  11. LiLyxLui

    Deaf Man was shot to death in Brooklyn, NY

    ppls I'm telling you... I live in nyc. I used to headed out nyc around here pretty lots. NYC is not bad place at all. Here's peoples are totally no DISREPECT,MEAN, ETC... They are fuckin' not nice at all that which I HATE!, That's all. Damn..They need to learn be nice and more respects mofo...
  12. LiLyxLui

    The Official Member Picture Thread

    ^^ hahaha thanks :-P :wiggle:
  13. LiLyxLui

    The Official Member Picture Thread

    :wave: here's new. I took it Oct.19.03 ;) Just only one pic.
  14. LiLyxLui

    The Official Member Picture Thread

    Repost: pic has deleted!
  15. LiLyxLui

    The Official Member Picture Thread

    Repost: pic has deleted! sorry
  16. LiLyxLui

    The Official Member Picture Thread

    Repost: pic has deleted!
  17. LiLyxLui

    The Official Member Picture Thread

    ok. here's pic Repost: pic has deleted! sorry
  18. LiLyxLui

    The Official Member Picture Thread

    Thanks! :-D
  19. LiLyxLui

    The Official Member Picture Thread

    nice nice pics.... everyones :-) by the way , i'll post them later when i get back 2 home tonight
  20. LiLyxLui

    Get your Randomized Signature!

    Where's mine? suppz with that? O_o