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  1. K


    duh ;) btw, how do u know my name? :dunno:
  2. K


    since this thread is still slow.. if you guys didnt post any of new posts, just because the weather is so terrible outside... u get to be stuck in the house.. get on AD and post some more new posts ;)
  3. K


    do you think ALLDEAF need some more emoticons??? whenever i posted something and i wanted to add an emoticon but ad doesnt have some of emoticons i was looking for... im wonderfing if Alex or any of mods could add some of more emoticons?? :dunno: just an idea/suggestion to make alldeaf...
  4. K

    got HABIT?

    do you have a BAD habit that you couldnt possible to break? Or do you HAD a bad habit that you have FINALLY broke and moved on... what was/is it? Share!! I still have this bad habit of mine.. sticking my tongue out when im thinking too hard, doing something to keep myself busy, drawing...
  5. K

    Don't mind me

    *slap rob* :roll: :naughty:
  6. K


    [m]:fruit: :fruit: :fruit: :fruit:[m/]
  7. K


    thats sad - because its sooooo beautiful here, allll sunny and warmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!! :D
  8. K

    How do you become deaf?

    born deaf
  9. K

    How do you become deaf?

  10. K


    what??? no new threads or any new posts????? i havent been on AD since yesterday afternoon!!... :( i guess everyone is out, enjoying the such beautiful weather!!!... oh well.... :wave:
  11. K

    anybody feel depressed today?

    *squeals* its not a biggie deal but i admit, i like to be center of attention, especially when it comes to birthday ;) anyways, its in 7 days:D
  12. K

    Web to upload a pic???

    if u want to upload any kind pictures from your computer, u can go either to or (my photos) or u can use any of kind of www addresses to use some of pictures.. simple as like that.
  13. K

    anybody feel depressed today?

    i was feeling really bitchy lately and i knew my period is coming anytime, but i still havent get it yet!! agh... i wanted to get it before my birthday :( i think i might be sad or in a bad mood someday.. ill come on AD and let you all know so you all could cheer me up :)
  14. K

    Favorite Clothes & Cologne/Perfume Brand

    pasun <(~~ my favorite store perfume, i just started to liking this perfume called,"cool water" it smells really nice.
  15. K

    Artwork once request

  16. K

    Deaf Camps

    Chase? who are u talking about??
  17. K

    The Official Member Picture Thread

    this pic is kinda old.... and this is me and my daughter, Summer (i look so awful because i was a little sick in that pic)
  18. K

    funny game

    :rofl: i can imagine!! lol.. i never tried it but ive always think i would give it a try, only if im alone in the room.. :o
  19. K

    funny game

    thats interesting - ive seen this kind of game everywhere.... but never on the internet so this is new to me... does anyone ever experience try this kind of game? u know.. dancing, not on the www..
  20. K

    The Official Member Picture Thread

    u got twins???