i use condensed milk and water instead of just using milk or water. i mix powder in thoroughly before microwaving. then after microwaving i add cinnamon and nutmeg.
ive only ever had turkey inside of this white pasty soup like substance at school. it was more or less indistinguishable so i hat to ask what it was. the lady said it was turkey soup so i took some. worst soup i ever tastes. i liked the stuffing though
when im reading first person fiction/memoirs i have a set voice for dialog and when the character is talking to the readers. even as im reading posts i still have a set voice. im a hearie. this doesn't answer the question in any way. (#'^'#)
wow. thats really a small percent. my cousin's been trying to teach her sign language so maybe we can converse better when i go down to jamacia. (my cousin wants to be an interpreter)
i accidentally went to canada. Driving home from visiting my aunt in newberg and ended up in canada. i think that its time i ask daddy to buy mommy a gps.