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  1. ncff07

    What did you learn today?

    My exwife had a name and she didn't give me no more milk! Dang heifer! :laugh2:
  2. ncff07

    Any One Here Suffer From A Mental Disorder?

    I suffer from CRS. (Can't Remember S**t)
  3. ncff07

    Restaurant news: Booze at Taco Bell, a lot more Wendy's and a brand new Cracker Barre

    I don't think there is a Cracker Barrel in Morganton. Last I knew there wasn't anyways. I'll search their stores tonight and see if there's one open now.
  4. ncff07

    Man Arrested For Throwing Coffee At Westboro Protesters At Biden Funeral

    You should post some way to contribute to the PGR if there is one maybe some would like to support them a little in their efforts.
  5. ncff07

    Ask me a ?

  6. ncff07

    How is your weather today part II

    Hotter than
  7. ncff07

    CI Surgery approved today

    Good luck 'Lil Miss Angel
  8. ncff07

    What did you learn today?

  9. ncff07

    Dog found with its muzzle taped shut (WARNING!)
  10. ncff07

    bizzare things you see in a day

    It wouldn't have been towed while on fire or fully involved in flames. It may have been a wreck or vehicle fire being towed off and it caught fire or re-kindled on the road. The wind could have made it flare back up and the police vehicle seen it and pulled it over.
  11. ncff07

    2014 F450 Black Ops

  12. ncff07

    What did you learn today?

    She isn't a simpleton she's just blonde :naughty: :giggle:
  13. ncff07

    Texas Flooding

    Tell Texas to send it back :laugh2: NC and Cali both need it.
  14. ncff07

    What did you learn today?

  15. ncff07

    Memorial Day

    Probably not. All should be honored but I think its sad people take it for granted and don't know what it truly stands for. Memorial day is in May. Veteran's day is November 11.
  16. ncff07

    Texas Flooding

    I don't know I've never been to Alabama but it sucks in NC right now. The weather is really weird at the moment anyways Texas shouldn't have this much rain in a year probably let alone a month. We did get a short storm late last night it rained maybe 20 minutes so it's a little but not enough.
  17. ncff07

    How to remove Greatsavings virus?

    I can't help with that particular virus never heard of it, but have used Kaspersky a couple times before it worked well.