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  1. ncff07

    Man Shoots Firework From Top of His Head, Dies

    hey .. hold my beer and watch this s**t!!! :naughty:
  2. ncff07

    What are you thinking about Part VII

    :D "Because you know what unites America? Daisy Duke's ass. There isn't a man or woman alive who doesn't appreciate that work of art."
  3. ncff07

    What are you thinking about Part VII

    Did they think you were booby trapped? :laugh2:
  4. ncff07

    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XVIII

    Yes dear, I remember, you taught me everything I know :naughty:
  5. ncff07

    What did you learn today?

    Don't forget to pack the kitchen sink :)
  6. ncff07

    Is This Why So Many Shark Attacks are Happening in North Carolina?

    Another shark attack off the coast today at Ocracoke, NC on the outer banks.
  7. ncff07

    What did you learn today?

    Not this time, it's just that ...
  8. ncff07

    What did you learn today?

    She's a drama queen. :roll:
  9. ncff07

    How is your weather today part II

    I'll be there the second Tuesday of next week ;)
  10. ncff07

    Confederate Flag

    The way its going in this country it may soon be time to fly the United States flag upside down :shock:
  11. ncff07

    Richard Matt And David Sweat, Convicted Murderers, Escape From New York Prison

    If you would keep up with it you might find out last I heard one of them was killed and they were in pursuit of the other.
  12. ncff07

    How is your weather today part II

    After those 2 dogwood trees were cut down. The yard is getting a bit brown and haven't mowed in 3 weeks.
  13. ncff07

    CI Surgery approved today

    This reminded me of someone on here :hmm:
  14. ncff07

    Our camping trip

    The polices might get him! :naughty:
  15. ncff07

    Break-in suspect leaves wallet behind

    Something crazier happened awhile back, a young guy had put in an application at a Waffle House nearby and then put in an order to go but decided not to pay for that order. The police found him by the info on the application and arrested him. It must be a local thing Lincolnton isn't far from me.
  16. ncff07

    How is your weather today part II

    We're officially in a drought.
  17. ncff07

    How is your weather today part II

    Similar ... having a crew come in to get rid of both of those dogwood trees completely with a chipper probably for the limbs since they aren't doing very well and almost took out the power line.
  18. ncff07

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    I can imagine if Botts was a duck :D