Search results

  1. ncff07

    Truck died

    S10 Blazer? That's odd I've owned a 1988 blazer, a 1989 GMC S15 Jimmy (identical to blazer), and a 2003 Blazer and never had any windshield problems from any of them. Might have been a factory defect. Only problems out of them was a bad transmission in the 1988 but it was covered under warranty...
  2. ncff07

    What did you learn today?

  3. ncff07

    Up Late? Why??

  4. ncff07

    Cochlear Implantation Surgery 7/28/15

    Sitting here listening to music ... one you're sure to remember ... Against All Odds by Phil Collins ... piano with singing and the music isn't totally off the wall loud to drown it out. Headphones are better that regular speakers I've always preferred those over CI audio cables too. I think its...
  5. ncff07


    Never heard of squatty potty had to google it. They sell them on amazon too. And in my search this image came up. YAAAY!!!! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
  6. ncff07

    Cochlear Implantation Surgery 7/28/15

    What's her name ... Jenna? Call Jenna in MB and y'all can talk about ass hats, twat waffles and the big black dick your dad give you :D :laugh2:
  7. ncff07

    Is life harder for the deaf?

    Do it discreetly ... such as using id10T I bet they'd never catch on ;)
  8. ncff07

    Cochlear Implantation Surgery 7/28/15

    Amber-osia ... one day when your feeling froggy take the kids (as a back up) and go through a drive thru somewhere to see how it does. I shut the engine off in my truck to hear but can still manage it. And if its quiet with no back ground noise I bet you could use the phone already ;)
  9. ncff07

    Squirrel "steals" plane

    There was a squirrel acting weird here today and was chewing on the corner of part of the house where its wood and meets the brick.
  10. ncff07


  11. ncff07


    You're out of toilet paper :laugh2:
  12. ncff07

    Cochlear Implantation Surgery 7/28/15

    Styling and profiling that pimped out CI eh? :naughty: Bet you wish you'd have gotten it sooner. When you need more of the dry briks the cheapest I've found them is on Amazon.
  13. ncff07

    How are you feeling today? Part II

    Relax. Stressing out over it won't do anything except slow you down or cause mistakes. Just get yourself an assistant and it'll all be good ;)
  14. ncff07


  15. ncff07


    Lordy Lordy look who's 40!!! :giggle:
  16. ncff07

    What did you learn today?

    No wonder it was giving you a fit those are hard to aim steady and pull the trigger at the same time without being able to pull the hammer back. Glad you got it fixed, I feel sorry for any burglars that try to be smart all they'll hear is a click :giggle: