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  1. S

    British man jailed for 7 years escapes prison, updates Facebook status while on the r

    Now that is a very daring person. Gotta give him credit for even doing that. Too bad, that one action might cost him.
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    NYC's "Good Riddance Day"

    Wow, now that's something unique. I wonder what it would be like. Hopefully nobody gets too many paper cuts :hmm: Wish we could try that here.
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    Foods you like now but didn't before?

    Never liked onions, of any kind; now, I want masses of it cooked into my food. :D
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    NYC now the safest big city!

    How about we say there is no "safest" city out there? There can be cities that are safer than others but, either way, there's bound to be some sort of trouble or crime commited at some point in time. So I would say, in theory, there really isn't a "safe" city to begin with. Just my...
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    Oovoo or skype

    That would be awesome! We should do that on a weekend soon. Be great to meet new friends and have fun learning. Mind if I friend you on here? :)
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    Oovoo or skype

    I was wondering if everybody would wanna do a video chat together? That would be great to get to know everyone and also practice ASL :) Does Skype even have video conference?
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    NYC now the safest big city!

    *sigh* I guess I'll have to concede this time. :hmm: And Jiro...I think you're eight dollah went down an alley-way and into a strip club. :giggle:
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    What are you thinking about?

    Oh goodness, don't call me to play then. I suck horribly haha.
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    Is America becoming more deaf-friendly?

    I can't speak in terms of being deaf, but I can agree from experience. Being of a different ethnicity, it is hard to see people make fun of you, the way you look, and the language/way you speak. Sometimes, I'll just be walking along with my mother and a group of people will take one look at me...
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    NYC now the safest big city!

    It is a good number and good news, but I don't like how they describe New York City as "one of the safest cities" now.
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    NYC now the safest big city!

    wow...461 murders...that sounds pretty safe to me! :|
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    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part I

    eating Goldfish crackers. mmmm...yummy :D
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    Welcome! :)
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    Deaf related movies

    "The Piano" was a good one. The main character uses ASL and it's pretty funny to watch her angrily insult some of the characters in the movie; the character's daughter is a hoot too. :)
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    Pics of you - Part IV

    Somehow, I figured you won that from a lottery :giggle: And a stripper??! Let's not. *covers eyes*
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    Meet Hercules The Dog

    That is a HUGE dog. :eek3: My goodness, I'd hate to be on the bad side of one of those big boys.
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    Don't mess up with a cat on a throne!

    The music just made this more epic. :laugh2:
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    Arkansas got Flood!!

    Very true, but we have to try our best, even when we're tempted.
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    Pics of you - Part IV

    Actually it kinda does. But it's a pretty Ring girl at least, and hopefully she doesn't suck anybody's soul away:)
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    Annoying habit when showing someone a language

    Bad, yes; great idea, yes :D