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  1. melissa

    What's your dinner tonight?

    My parents are on holiday for a week so I'm having whatever I feel like- knowing me, probably curry or some sort of spicy stew.
  2. melissa

    What is a free field hearing test?

    Thankyou :-) I'll post on here when I get the appointment letter!
  3. melissa

    Ever done any acting??

    I was the woodsman and a postman in Snow White aged 11- I did well in rehearsals but forgot my lines halfway through, started crying then repeated my earlier lines. People teased me about it. Years later I was in An Inspector Calls for english class, I was terrified and ended up printing my...
  4. melissa


    Really? Thanks rivenoak- do other UKers say it the same way? I didn't know it was pronounced that way. Oh yes RR, a herring aid :p it amused me. I've thought about it occasionally and not sure what I'd do if I lost hearing to the extent that I'd be eligible for a CI. Unless it was very...
  5. melissa


    I had 2 fillings today which involved some kind of anaesthetic injections but I don't consider it surgery.
  6. melissa

    Hearing Impaired Term?

    I remember someone saying 'legging impaired' somewhere, as they were having leg/knee surgery. I still wish there was a word that had better connotations for me than 'hard of hearing'- for me that denotes a mild loss, maybe something you wouldn't wear aids for. People used to say 'partially...
  7. melissa

    Deaf awareness at a place in an hearing envirnoment

    Well, at least they don't discriminate!
  8. melissa

    my new puppy:)

    Awwww look at him in the car! Awww!
  9. melissa

    Adult stem cells cures...a success!!

    I'm glad for the people who got blinded by chemicals being able to see again, if they wanted to. But I'm paranoid and I can see it leading to a world where deaf or blind babies get 'cured' by the state. I think I'd have a different opinion about it all if I hadn't been hoh all my life- it's part...
  10. melissa

    What bones have you broken?

    I've never broken a bone. I got my right fourth finger trapped in a door, and the nail got crushed and it needed stitches, but it wasn't broken. I had a thick bandage on for a while; it looked like a mummified finger. My mum broke her toe accidentally while trying to tap our deaf dog with her...
  11. melissa

    technology embedded life. V. smartphone

    I'd like things around the house to somehow be connected to an app- so I could see how long is left on the oven timer, or be alerted when it's beeping, or when I'm upstairs and the washing machine has finished the cycle. There are some out there which can read barcodes and tell you prices, but...
  12. melissa

    Deaf awareness at a place in an hearing envirnoment

    It would be good- the only deaf awareness I've really noticed is at schools/special ed units. Though last week I went to a pub/restaurant which had live music so it was very noisy, and the bar staff gestured what they were saying- I think they did that for everyone out of necessity. One hand...
  13. melissa

    What are you thinking about? Part II

    Awww I love seeing cat photos :-) I'm wondering when the anaesthetic from the fillings I just had will wear off- it was birthday yesterday and I've not had chance to have any cake yet! Course, if I ate less cake I wouldn't need the fillings...
  14. melissa


    LMAO at ear plants! I don't have an ear plant, I use a herring aid ;-) I've been saying it wrong then- I say cock-lear, how are you supposed to say it? Cotch-lear? Cosh-lear? I like the way the OP hasn't done any research and wants us to tell him/her all about ear plants...
  15. melissa

    86 Year Old Bedridden Grandmother Gets Tasered

    I cannot believe that- it's horrendous. Somebody should do the same to them.
  16. melissa

    Reasonable accomodation?

    If writing's not part of the job, I think some training is still useful- what if the deaf person writes a note- so that people can understand each other. I don't think awareness is ever a bad thing. My job requires good written skills, which I have. I take phone calls but I'm not very good at...
  17. melissa

    What is a free field hearing test?

    Ah thankyou :-) I'm eagerly awaiting the appointment letter, no idea when it is yet, but I'd love to see what they think- how much my aids help. Do you have to press the buttons like usual?
  18. melissa

    What are you thinking about? Part II

    How interesting the dream I had this morning was- I was at a place like school, and every room was watching a film. The films came to life, then I was looking for my boyfriend and was asking someone what film was on upstairs. They signed to me, I went to pay for the film then I woke up. I...
  19. melissa

    When do you put on your aid(s)/implant(s)?

    I'm not at work til Monday, so I'm sitting in bed browsing the net- not going to waste batteries just to hear myself typing louder and that white noise my aids make. Will put them in later when I need to have long conversations with people! Last night I took them out about 9am and sat in bed...
  20. melissa

    Putting your deaf children in which schools...and why?

    Mmm exactly! It's debatable whether or not I'm postlingual as no-one noticed until I was at school aged 6, but then that's a lot noisier than at home one-to-one with my parents. Nothing happened in my toddler years to cause hearing loss, but I was born prematurely which can cause it. How do you...