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  1. Etoile

    Forced to Voice

    But yeah, I would demand a qualified terp ASAP...and yeah I'm sure she doesn't have the skills to be certified! I have only met a few terps who "didn't want" to be certified and they are mostly snobs without the skills to get certified anyway. Keep in mind though, the ADA doesn't guarantee you...
  2. Etoile

    Forced to Voice

    Your advice is great except for this. RID can't do anything about uncertified interpreters. Certified terps are subject to RID sanction if they violate ethics. Uncertified terps are not. So because these aren't certified, RID can't do anything.
  3. Etoile

    Forced to Voice

    Is this the same one who refuses to sign ASL and only uses Signed English? If she certified? If she is RID certified, report her to RID immediately. This is a serious breach of ethics. If she is not RID certified, demand another interpreter. I know you said there's a shortage in...
  4. Etoile

    Deaf students and SCHOOL interpreters??

    Sure you can. If your school can't provide you with an interpreter who meets your needs, you can bring a lawsuit.
  5. Etoile

    Translating rock concerts for those who can not hear..

    Oh I liked the way they filmed it actually! There were only a couple of moments where I couldn't catch what was being said. I thought the filming actually improved the interpretation, for once.
  6. Etoile

    Translating rock concerts for those who can not hear..

    Correct link: Translating Rock Concerts For Those Who Can’t Hear | Here & Now Similar article: What sign-language interpreters make of the likes of Lady Gaga and Bon Jovi - The Washington Post
  7. Etoile

    Deaf students and SCHOOL interpreters??

    If you're a college student, then you should tell your interpreter to use ASL. If they refuse, tell the disability services office to get you a different interpreter. The interpreter doesn't get to say what is "better for school" if you are an adult. You didn't say in your first post what...
  8. Etoile

    Caption Bleep

    I have seen it three ways: 1) Caption shows [BLEEP] and sound bleep is heard 2) Caption shows [BLEEP] and swear word is heard 3) Caption shows swear word and sound bleep is heard So really it can happen any way. I would say that #1 is the MOST common, by a lot. #3 is probably second most...
  9. Etoile

    Deaf students and SCHOOL interpreters??

    This can be an interesting situation. Normally interpreters should sign whatever the client wants, but in K-12 there may be an IEP requiring a certain type.
  10. Etoile

    questions about interpreter policy

    I don't know how many interpreters there are in the area, but don't give up on finding a professional to do it pro bono. Depending on the individual situation, some might be willing.
  11. Etoile

    ITP - Associate Degree Programs

    Double check whether immunization records are required above a certain age. When I enrolled at Gallaudet, I was 26,and we couldn't find my records either. Turned out I didn't need them, you only need them at 25 and younger. That was Gallaudet, your school might be different, but it's worth...
  12. Etoile

    new here, the name's taylorjade :)

    Welcome! I'm curious, what methods of communication are you using with him? Are you teaching him any sign language? :)
  13. Etoile

    3 year old with cochears

    For that matter, some people think it is the end of the world if a deaf child DOES hear. Goes both ways!
  14. Etoile

    Another question to all Interpreters. pls help

    Shoot, that's incredibly common...deaf clients lipread the interpreter all the time to make sure they said what was intended. I think the OP's issue, though, is not recognizing the "progression" - you can't mouth the right word if you didn't understand it.
  15. Etoile

    App that will play ONLY the subtitle file?

    I would live something like this for pc too!
  16. Etoile

    why some deaf people are staying home whom not going to work?

    Congrats on your success ID! Thanks for sharing your story!
  17. Etoile

    why some deaf people are staying home whom not going to work?

    Just a reminder...this thread was originally posted in June 2008, before the recession got really bad. I think things are very different now. Today, it is harder for deaf people to get jobs because there are so many unemployed hearing people. It is not supposed to matter in the hiring...
  18. Etoile

    Another question to all Interpreters. pls help

    Lamb-basted?! *giggles* Interpreting should never be word-for-word, regardless of what the caller tells you. That's glossing. That's not what they want. They want you to interpret everything they are saying into proper English. If the caller complains that you did something wrong, you...
  19. Etoile

    Sorenson STILL laid off people after getting rates they wanted

    RapidoVRS is run by Sorenson. It is just to connect you directly to a Spanish soaking interpreter instead of having to ask to be transferred. It's still Sorenson. I don't know if it is covered by the same rules though. Normally VRS is supposed to answer very fast, the FCC requires it. But there...
  20. Etoile

    Another question to all Interpreters. pls help

    Can I just be suuuuuuper nitpicky and off-topic? :o Understanding an ASL signer's mouth movements isn't "lipreading" - that is a specific technique of understanding a whole conversation based on visual cues from the mouth, face, and rest of body, as well as contextual understanding, etc...