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  1. deafbajagal

    Just keep up with ASL

    *Nodding. Big time*
  2. deafbajagal

    There is No Perfect Father

    Hmm. It was interesting.
  3. deafbajagal

    Cruise ship runs aground off Italy, 3 dead

    *chills up in my spine* That's just crazy. :(
  4. deafbajagal

    What are you thinking about? Part V

    I wish I wasn't so OCD about my mirrors and glass sliding doors. No matter how hard I try, there's always a little smudge. Drives me up the wall.
  5. deafbajagal

    Night Owl and Morning Bird ZZZZs

    Thanks for the responses, folks.
  6. deafbajagal

    Night Owl and Morning Bird ZZZZs

    Done. The wife got this: "It is what it is. Take it or leave it. I'm never going to change. Not now, not in ten years." Nice.
  7. deafbajagal

    2012: Deaf Gone?

    Mean creator.
  8. deafbajagal

    I don't have an accent... GRR

    Yep...I even land a few hot dates because I was a "foreigner". :naughty:
  9. deafbajagal

    Night Owl and Morning Bird ZZZZs

    Who is wrong? He comes home at 1:00 a.m. from work (he works from 4 p.m. - 1 a.m.) and needs to unwind, which means he goes to bed at around 5 a.m. He unwinds by watching TV/movies with the lights on in the living room, kitchen, and hall. He wakes up at 1:30-2:00 p.m., gets dressed, and...
  10. deafbajagal

    Since You've Been Gone...

    Relationship is like being addicted to coke. You want the rush, the good feeling, the euphoric moments, which keeps you going for more even after it leaves you feeling like shit whenit wears off. Then it gets to be you needing more, more, more to keep it up. A bad cycle. Detoxing is good...
  11. deafbajagal

    Who initiates the courtship?

    It's not 1950's anymore.
  12. deafbajagal

    What are you thinking about? Part V

    Ok, I am kind of "pffft" at my in-laws. Here's the deal. They inbox'ed my husband via Facebook about coming to visit this weekend because they would be in town for the wedding, we would exchange Christmas gifts as well since we didn't get to see everyone during Christmas. But...
  13. deafbajagal

    What are you thinking about? Part V

    ANIMAL allergies? Interesting! Hmm.
  14. deafbajagal

    naisho's guide to keep alldeaf clean and sparkly clean

    But...but...they really do want me! :P
  15. deafbajagal

    What are you thinking about? Part V

    I'm thinking: I DON'T (beep) WANT TO GO TO (beep) WORK IN THE (beep) MORNING!!
  16. deafbajagal

    Great Depression Meals

    Move over Wikipedia. I learn a lot right here on Alldeaf. It never ceases to amaze me the kinds of things I learn on here.
  17. deafbajagal

    Word out that latest Xbox update now support Closed Caption in Netflix

    People are teling me the Wii works with Netflix...most, but not all, things are subtitled.
  18. deafbajagal

    Keep your dogs on leash

    Two weeks ago my cousin's 1 1/2 year old daughter got attacked in the face and neck by a rottweiler ...the family was absolutely stunned because he was always a friendly dog...they don't know what provoked it because she was not standing near him or doing anything out.of ordinary. She's had 3...
  19. deafbajagal

    Word out that latest Xbox update now support Closed Caption in Netflix

    I agree...100% access is what I expect and deserve if I'm paying for it.