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    Burger King sells gay pride Whopper

    Will Burger King "change" - the merger with Tim Hortons coffee shops?
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    Question reguarding CI

    I acknowledge that SOME deaf subscribe to theory that Cochlear Implants are"excessively risky operations". The actual experience doesn't back the "claims of deaf Militants". aside: the surgeon-Dr Chen/Sunnybrook is a professor of surgery-Implants at the University of Toronto. To suggest he...
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    Question reguarding CI

    Having just crossed the 7th anniversary of getting a Cochlear Implant I don't consider that I "belong a Cochlear Implant community" here in Toronto. I know a few individuals that I met at Sunnybrook/Toronto at the same time that I was "evaluated for implanation". There is a patients meeting...
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    Which Cochlear Implant is best?

    BAHA is for BONE conduction problems not comparable to a Cochlear Implant-which deals with "sensorineural problems".
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    Best recommended QWERTYphone for me??

    To best of my knowledge- a CELL phone is not a TTY. aside: I don't have/use a cell phone. MY Ultra Tech 1140 has a TEXT button which "changes the phone to Text. It works if the other party has TEXT TTY. The tax department has TEXT.
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    Best recommended QWERTYphone for me??

    My UltraTech 1140 TTY has a Qwerty keyboard. Easy to use.
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    Urgent request

    Like JaneB I have/use an UltraTech 1140 VCO TTY-since 1996. Just dial 711- relay operator assists by keying what the other party is saying. I speak, of course. aside: if the other party a TEXT phone, I can key a message without Relay service. All that is needed is a Landline phone jack--just...
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    Starting college In a couple weeks

    I would surmise that the "condition" you mentioned is a "bit unusual" which will make attending school-difficult. Whether it is "possible" to go to a school for "deaf persons" has to "checked out" specficially-if not then one "might" have to "alter learning experience". Tough choices on...
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    Question reguarding CI

    The idea of Implanting "children" is to "assist in speaking/hearing". Whether that "child" should "learn/use" ASL is the parents decision. One can surmise that how many persons the parents know/ use ASL may have some consideration. aside: I have been bilateral DEAF since December 20, 2006...
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    Im gabriel....And im going deaf

    A more interesting question for Gabe: why start this thread and withdraw when some answers keyed?
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    vote for best cover art for Deaf book

    Seems strange to compare the deaf to monkeys even if monkeys are deaf! aside: real DEAF and have never "understood" that anyone suggested I was a "deaf monkey". Live in different worlds-presumably?
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    I'm finding myself through silence

    Why do you think-"you are lost"? What do think will be "advice of members - based on one's prior experience" could be a starting on "new ways of thinking" for you?
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    Intro with questions about choosing a CI...

    I have had AB Harmony for 7 years. I am bilateral DEAF since 2006. At Sunnybrook/Toronto Cochlear Implant section at the the time-only AB Harmony was considered. There was a production problem with Cochlear Corporation at the time and Med El was not approved for use then. Fast forward-Med EL is...
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    Experimental surgery giving children a chance to hear

    Is this a replay when Cochlear Implants were "experimental" a few years ago?
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    How much better with CI over Aids

    From the above: it would appear there is "different"criteria for consideration of Cochlear Implant used for different countries. aside: I didn't have speech recognition test when I was tested in early 2007 but was tested at 105db-no hearing. The hospital- non C I ENTclinic- is a teaching...
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    How much better with CI over Aids

    Whether RiSol-Silicon Valley-is unusual re: medical insurance in the United States to be determined? Exact comment- above #21 Who exactly pays for the insurance?
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    How much better with CI over Aids

    :wave:A few thoughts from above: Whether the "harmony Cochlear Implant was/is second rate WHEN installed back 7 years== is the same as used back then in the United States/other countries- no idea. In the province where I live-Ontario- there are 3 Cochlear Implant centres for adults...
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    How much better with CI over Aids

    It is true "medical kowledge increases as with surgical techniques" Cochlear Implant "improvements" over time. At what point does a person -now is the time for the operation? Also, what happens in the meantime waiting for "perfect Implant? However does that impact on any specfic person...
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    How much better with CI over Aids

    HOH ME: In December 2006- I tested at a loss level of 105db. I heard nothing. My Hearing aid showed that-nothing. Yeah real quiet! aside: that is why I was considered for a Cochlear Implant which was implanted on July 12, 2007. I was accepted. Whether there is a different criteria used at...
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    Hello Deaf World

    Hi Kenneth. I live in Toronto Welcome to