Search results

  1. C

    Best Deaf School?

    AFAIK, University H.S. in SoCal has the critical mass needed for an effective self-contained environment for Deaf education. I could be mistaken, but I think University H.S.'s Deaf program is actually larger than student enrollments at particular Deaf schools, even if their pre-secondary numbers...
  2. C

    New BlackBerry 8830 at Sprint?

    Take a look at this AD thread; Anyone use GPS Receivers? I'd like to know what GPS unit you're using, and a little bit more about your experiences in using it. I.e., was the satellite reception good? Directions and route-planning top-notch? Etc. I'm eyeballing the Garmin Nuvi 350, but I...
  3. C

    Anyone use GPS Receivers?

    Hello. Just wondering if any one of you participants use GPS receivers in your autos? I just recently bought one, a Garmin StreetPilot c330, but I'm still searching for a suitable and low-cost GPS solution. Keywords: (Darn search engine can't search 3-letter acronyms!) Global Positioning...
  4. C

    Condo has maintenance fee and tax propery

    Funny thing that, someone mentioned mortgage insurance. I recently came across something truly scary; First, a primer: Joe Six-Pack (J6P) purchases a home with 100% financing, and declines private mortage insurance (PMI). The lender collateralizes the loan, among hundreds of other loans...
  5. C

    Statistics About Deaf High School Graduates?

    You might want to give GRI a stab; Gallaudet Research Institute
  6. C

    Anyone working paralegal OR assist lawyers

    Yes. :) My handle used to be Eyeth. I went to a new handle, Cousin Vinny, after that Joe Pesci character in the My Cousin Vinny movie.
  7. C

    Anyone working paralegal OR assist lawyers

    That reminded me; I know of a Deaf woman who used to work at a local County Clerk's office. From what I understand, she pretty much conducted routine filing of legal paperwork, located legal information, and answered inquiries at the desk. That's another kind of a 'paralegal' job most Deaf/HH...
  8. C

    Anyone working paralegal OR assist lawyers

    [Disclaimer: I am a lawyer. ;) The following comments are to be taken for entertainment value only, and does not constitute legal services or representation.] AFAIK, most lawyers that utilize paralegals also rely on them for dictation purposes. Dictating a memo or a rough draft is quicker and...
  9. C

    Do you trust your bank or any banks?

    Here's another write-up about the pitfalls of believing in FDIC: Deady Assumption 5:My Bank Accounts are Fully Insured Like him, I do believe that my deposits are fully insured at my bank under FDIC. However, I'm under no illusions if there's a mammoth financial crisis affecting banks...
  10. C

    Do you trust your bank or any banks?

    Here's some food for thought; ;) Currently, FDIC reserves stand at $50.7 billion dollars. This financial reserve is primarly funded by bank premiums the FDIC charges for deposit insurance. Congress does not appropriate funds to support FDIC. FDIC 2006 Financial Highlights However, there...
  11. C

    Michael Chorost Speaking at CI Convention July 14 !

    Will there be a musical accompanient (sp?) to his presentation, most notably that of Bolero? :) Glad to see he's spreading the CI gospel among the CI choir.
  12. C

    Have u met anyone who is famous or do u want to meet famous people someday?

    Oh- That reminds me; I did meet one person that was mentioned in the bible; Pharaoh of Rameses II He was the Pharaoh that confronted Moses in the Exodus story of the Bible. I met him when there was a traveling Egyptian exhibit, twenty years ago, and his mummified remains were pretty...
  13. C

    Have u met anyone who is famous or do u want to meet famous people someday?

    Ya know, I forgot about the comic book business; I used to be very big into that, but quit more than a decade ago. Obviously, there are 'celebrities' in the comic book business, but their appeal just doesn't cross over to mainstream media, unfortunately. Here's a couple of personalities I've...
  14. C

    Have u met anyone who is famous or do u want to meet famous people someday?

    Off the top of my head, I've met; Dwight Stephenson - HOF Center for the Miami Dolphins Tom Harkin - U.S. Senator for Iowa I. King Jordan Does he even count? ;)
  15. C

    Breaking the Code

    Allison ("QueenAlpo") has created a video entry, discussing about using the CS concept via ASL. Yes, the video is captioned. Using the Cued Speech Concept within ASL (Approx. 2 minutes)
  16. C

    Why owning a home is better than renting

    That's a nifty link. It also supports my assertion that long-time homeowners will benefit and win easily against renters in the financial equation.
  17. C

    First Personal Computer

    Mine was a Commodore 64. In fact, I still have an extensive Commodore collection and have attended Commodore gatherings and vintage computer faires. It's a nice hobby, but these things sure are bulky... :)
  18. C

    interesting upcoming episode of Scrubs

    Overall, a disappointing episode. I'll try to comment later, but bedtime beckons... :)
  19. C editor vs. Deafweekly Editor

    For what it's worth, this particular blog entry did appear at DeafRead Extra, which is made available only by RSS subscription. At any rate, I extend my condolences to Tom and his family for their loss.
  20. C

    Gas is going to be 4 a gal this summer

    That's true; It depends on how many seats, on the average, are filled during these daily runs. Check out this article; Fill Those Seats! Currently, rail transit is a better alternative, but unfortunately, there's no rail transit nearby where I live. :(