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  1. Duskywolf

    Blu-ray discs and players with real CC

    I do like subtitle at all but since in the history, close caption been here for long time and through bitch time to get all program support it. Now some people think subtitle is better, Yes that's true but that way to save money. Most the Close Caption build in Television already have new...
  2. Duskywolf

    PSN PS3 Users

    Ahhh! I feel total left out, it's me: duskywolf
  3. Duskywolf


    Me too, I wonder what's happen next.
  4. Duskywolf

    rear window CC at movie theater

    I agree, I used buy 6 bucks for movie then later I was surprised that next movie I paid a visit cost me 8 bucks then few months I want see one movie then cost me 9 bucks!!!!!! Also I visit new type of movie use 3-D and cost me 11 bucks. What's next? :roll:
  5. Duskywolf

    i have small question about cc!!!

    Also I know too. what the option for me to use CC and the quality picture then the answer is component. I do have HDMI for my PS3. Thanks.
  6. Duskywolf

    Two IT questions

    Those question are kind of mix up and tricky. Question #1: (A) depend on OS (B) sound reasonable cause inculded in OS (C) User Manage sound like option to control the limit (D) Centralize Control? hard for me to tell what in purpose by that...
  7. Duskywolf

    rear window CC at movie theater

    I agree with you complete. :aw:
  8. Duskywolf

    i have small question about cc!!!

    That part I didn't know. I am surprise. However I would like see quality picture use the component (red blue green) which it is work with CC with old model of DVD player plus I tried all new 2008 DVD player not work. I do know HDMI not support CC. Thanks.
  9. Duskywolf

    George Bush Jr's brother Jeb Bush running for President?

    Cause he knew that he will not have chance to win because he know rate on president Bush.
  10. Duskywolf

    Coin Collections

    do you collect international coins?
  11. Duskywolf

    I love this picture...

    then your picture will be good in history.
  12. Duskywolf

    rear window CC at movie theater

    I felt idiot to carry the thing to the theater. Nah I like get my hands free so I can carry popcorn and soda like else.
  13. Duskywolf

    i have small question about cc!!!

    That's correct. no question about this..... Internal DVD which you called combo, I am not sure how to answer this cause I know all newer DVD do not support the CC signal. My (external) DVD player brought in 2002 do have CC signal and I did brought 2008 (external) DVD Players do not...
  14. Duskywolf

    I love this picture...

    Real Beaut. Did you use your own camera? I wonder?
  15. Duskywolf

    Starship Comparison Chart

    Nice display to show how big ships.
  16. Duskywolf

    Anti-spyware software?

    I got subscribe software called Spyware Doctor which is powerful protect the PC. I have since three years and doing great job.
  17. Duskywolf

    Blu-ray discs and players with real CC

    Yes, they just put nose up and look down on us. Nah! Never happen! In history we should thank to some deaf people fought for CC on TV and all the news and show. It's time for us to do again for new technology.
  18. Duskywolf

    Blu-ray discs and players with real CC

    I see your point, then complain for nothing. Unless there is a rule so they have to follow. Also I catch some message from FCC about rule on movies for CC and subtitles that mean not only for those specific. Unless we have to work on to fix the law so we have more choice look at hearing world do...
  19. Duskywolf

    PSN PS3 Users

    Great News! Prayer just answer! Thank you Steel X! :aw: