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  1. Duskywolf

    Next generation will actually begin in 2011 to 2012

    I dunno, economic not going well and still influence the company and the people will change everything.
  2. Duskywolf

    Two IT questions

    Unclear question. This question not really clear. I need more detail to make better decision. Now I read more of your forum and I got it.
  3. Duskywolf

    'Fading Love' Masterpiece Art I've Made Ever.

    keep good work. don't waste your talent. prove them wrong. impressive.
  4. Duskywolf

    Closed Captioned Fitness DVDs

    Come on! some do have. my fiancee have few of those with CC.
  5. Duskywolf

    George Bush Jr's brother Jeb Bush running for President?

    I didn't know. Would you tell me a bit history why he does bad?
  6. Duskywolf

    Coin Collections

    No, I wish. :D
  7. Duskywolf

    what it like to be deaf

    Silent is Gold!
  8. Duskywolf

    PS3 & Blu-ray Players: Why Closed Captioning is Necessary

    that's good and still thing keep changed plus some deaf people like us got lost and confused about HDMI and DVD player not working with CC without warning which is big BS! Yes, I do know technology very well and the information about changed on CC get too limit than used to be before. I would...
  9. Duskywolf

    PS3 & Blu-ray Players: Why Closed Captioning is Necessary

    I glad you found your way. I concern about all deaf people and the standard.
  10. Duskywolf

    Blu-ray discs and players with real CC

    Then I guess you let them win over you that's what you want? I understand. I am sure there a way for digital do the trick on HDMI but remember they forgot about us. that's so sad.
  11. Duskywolf

    Coin Collections

    I wonder if those error coin have more value? I wonder.... :hmm:
  12. Duskywolf

    Coin Collections

    mine is not really mint, I only need one more, it's New Mexico.
  13. Duskywolf

    Bye, Bye Circuit City

    Geez! That's bad news for us, why? I text out loud, Circuit City and Best Buy are in compete each other on price for any products after CC closed then we might stuck with BB price cause there no another compete against one.
  14. Duskywolf

    Hiding the hearing loss....

    hey, I have that issue but you need to be yourself as strong self-esteem. I pity them cause they think have a enough education, hell no! LOL! they need learn about us. wink.
  15. Duskywolf

    Anyone want to chat?

    I suggest you go to AIM cause live chat the better.
  16. Duskywolf

    YouTube Taking Down Sign Language Music Videos

    it's nothing wrong with you. do have fear from some big group might sue them for $$$$$$.
  17. Duskywolf

    Blu-ray discs and players with real CC

    You are damn right! But I did, individual are too small to Sony Corp so need more number of people to make one big group to surprise them. :D
  18. Duskywolf

    What's going on!! Alldeaf?? Alex???

    prefect hoax.
  19. Duskywolf


    Last night was awesome three hours of show, first one explain all characters then two hours of show. Awesome! I cannot wait for next show.