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  1. Duskywolf

    HDTV and Closed Captioning

    no, company play cheap.
  2. Duskywolf

    hi does anyone know any free movies online with CC?

    I cannot remove this comment.
  3. Duskywolf

    VCR/DVD Recorder CC Help.

    See everyone confused with CC cause there no law to keep all technology stay simple for us. All simple for hearing people are picture and sound that's it.
  4. Duskywolf

    Apple itune store!

    or do something to create law.
  5. Duskywolf

    The A-Team... Movie!

    even use a lot of plastic surgery or cheap way to pull skin back then snap with staple. LOL!
  6. Duskywolf

    Transformers 2 revenge of the fallen official hd!!!!!!

    I rather watch with Open Caption.
  7. Duskywolf

    Caption First (

    nice, very nice.
  8. Duskywolf

    Keyboard Cleaning

    Also set any key for your specific software for example, I play game so I design special key with icon on the keys so I know also turn off the keys that not use in game mode which is cool. Here the link: Optimus Maximus keyboard
  9. Duskywolf

    Windows XP allowed to live again

    Depend on your PC performance. Powerful PC go fast and old one possible go slow.
  10. Duskywolf

    The PS3 Forum: Updates and News

    Hey anyone who use Ubuntu on PS3, Fast or slow, I saw my friend have one different Linux OS on his and kind of slow with emulator such as MAME.
  11. Duskywolf

    AMD Turion 64 x2 vs Intel Core 2 duo processor

    Yes, sooner all HDD will changed to SSD in future. It's a similar as digital camera memory stick.
  12. Duskywolf

    AMD Turion 64 x2 vs Intel Core 2 duo processor

    Me too. I am planning get Duo 2 core 3.0 Ghz so I can overclock. also AMD CPU are still good but not fast enough to beat intel yet since I read Tom's Hardware website. AMD used be best CPU at all and indeed cheap. However AMD CPU still play good with game and another software as long as fast...
  13. Duskywolf

    The A-Team... Movie!

    do he use cane? LOL!
  14. Duskywolf

    Blu-ray discs and players with real CC

    so do they still sell this model? I hear in the process for newer model they stopped. I mean DVD player only not DVD-BURNER Player. Now I am asking you, do all model which are DVD-BURNER Player still provider CC build in? I just wonder?
  15. Duskywolf

    Blu-ray discs and players with real CC

    Thank for let me know.
  16. Duskywolf

    Caption First (

    I am not sure what this all about. would you explain the idea so I can understand. Thanks.
  17. Duskywolf

    Hulu has added more closed captioned movies

    Nice I just found out during superbowl ads then hope more those impressive another such as CNN and more...... blah blah......
  18. Duskywolf

    What Anime Have You Watched Lately?

    yes me too.
  19. Duskywolf

    The A-Team... Movie!

    Yes, I know. I hear Ice Cube will be Mr.T