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  1. MilitaryGirl83

    Velvet Revolver Nokia Theatre Photos

    Damn.. they look great and Slash rules! :eek3: :cool:
  2. MilitaryGirl83

    Pros and Cons of Virgina?

    My dad is most likely moving to Williamsburg, Va so I am curious what are the Pros and Cons about it. I will be helping him move and staying with him most of the summer. And it would be easier when I get a License I can drive to see him from NY often also. :) So type away and tell me! :cool:
  3. MilitaryGirl83

    Depressed father drowned Deaf & Blind toddler

    :tears: That poor baby! Sigh.. :mad: at the dad for it!
  4. MilitaryGirl83

    A Sarah Update

    Yay.. good to hear! :cool:
  5. MilitaryGirl83

    Im NEW!!!!!

    Thanks for the heartwarming welcome for my Mau'Loa gang member James aka Always James or Jammy. {Mod Edit: Unnecessary Comment removed-- ~RR}
  6. MilitaryGirl83

    Im NEW!!!!!

    No.. AlwaysMe is my best friend James M. The one you talked to the other day is my boyfriend James C. His nickname is JChoo. :ty:
  7. MilitaryGirl83


    I have facebook there. :)
  8. MilitaryGirl83

    Im NEW!!!!!

    No.. I am not from Hawaii but I just love Hawaii and their nature. :cool:
  9. MilitaryGirl83

    Im NEW!!!!!

    UHM.. a person can make a mistake on it. Give him a break! :ty:
  10. MilitaryGirl83

    Im NEW!!!!!

    Hehe Thanks. and you are awesome too.. Love you, James-Pooh.. the gang member of Mau Loa. :cool:
  11. MilitaryGirl83

    Who's rockin' the House???

    Happy Birthday to you! :) May Your Wishes and Dreams come true, Darling! And yeah.. get a stripper on you! :giggle:
  12. MilitaryGirl83

    AllDeaf 5th Anniversary 2002 - 2007

    Wow..that's awesome.. happy 5 years annversity to Alex and :whip: :giggle:
  13. MilitaryGirl83


    LoL.. too funny but yeah that's what it stands for! :cool:
  14. MilitaryGirl83

    Bad News from Tweetybird

    *Hugs*** I am so sorry to hear that!!!
  15. MilitaryGirl83

    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part III

    I am so happy right now! :giggle:
  16. MilitaryGirl83

    Hello Everyone Im back! LOL

    Welcome Back!
  17. MilitaryGirl83

    East Coast ....

    I would love to go .. but wait and see on my plans this summer since I will be gone alot.. and hmm during my birthday weekend I will be very busy !
  18. MilitaryGirl83

    who's a webcam whore? (56K warning)

    Heyyy.. nice gifts y'all have especially VB.. I am so impressed! :)
  19. MilitaryGirl83

    This is how teacher should discipline students

    :barf: That's sick but I am upset about what the teachers did to the kids! :pissed: :pissed: :pissed:
  20. MilitaryGirl83

    Teen Kills Twin Brother Over Chewing Gum

    OMG.. That's sad but it's stupid to kill over a stupid gum!!! :eek3: