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  1. MilitaryGirl83

    How much is your phone bill this month?

    Verizon LG Voyageur 50 dollars a month because I am on my parents plan!
  2. MilitaryGirl83

    I have some questions about blackberry..

    I am going with my fiancee' with Sprint on March 1st since he has been a loyal Sprint customer for 8 years with no problems at all. I am leaving Verizon because their plan is too expensive and I am not too happy with their service plus my LG Voyager is a crappy phone now! We are getting...
  3. MilitaryGirl83

    I am home now...

    I had the CI surgery for my left went well. It was at 7:30 am in the morning. I had to be there at 6 am in the morning so my fiancee' was being there for me the whole time. I was so nervous and the nurse comforted me in the surgery room as I had the gas mask on me.. it made me feel numb...
  4. MilitaryGirl83

    AllDeaf Meet - 30 Jan, 2010 in NYC

    I would love to go but can't make other plans for Chicago with my friends! Have fun though! I miss NYC though!
  5. MilitaryGirl83

    What is your favorite 00's in technology?

    Vp...sidekicks..blackberries.. webcam and laptop! :):wave:
  6. MilitaryGirl83

    Deaf Md. entrepreneur John Yeh charged in fraud probe

    I dunno much about John Yeh however I have heard about the Viable company..what a shame though! :mad:
  7. MilitaryGirl83

    2nd CI surgery on Jan 12th!!

    CI surgery is at 7:30 a.m. on Jan 12th! I have to be there at 6 am in the morning! I am excited but nervous at the same time!
  8. MilitaryGirl83

    CES 2010 in Las Vegas

    Thanks for the link! :ty:
  9. MilitaryGirl83

    Octuplets mum defends fertility doctor

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.1 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; ) 400x240 LGE VX10000) Oh boy...
  10. MilitaryGirl83

    PETA is nothing but embarrassment.

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.1 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; ) 400x240 LGE VX10000) Yeah..Peta does stupid things! Ah well...
  11. MilitaryGirl83

    2nd CI surgery on Jan 12th!!

    I am going in for my Pre-Op appointment on this Thursday at 8:45 am. Hope everything goes well. I will be sure to post all of the experiences soon! :)
  12. MilitaryGirl83

    2nd CI surgery on Jan 12th!!

    Yes I have and it is all set up! I am so excited!:ty:
  13. MilitaryGirl83

    2nd CI surgery on Jan 12th!!

    The surgery on my left ear will be starting around 7 am since I have to there at 6 am. I am so excited and nervous! I had my first CI on my right ear on August 2006. :) I have the Nucleus Freedom on the right ear and now I am going to have Nucleus 5 on the left ear! :) Wish me luck..send alot of...
  14. MilitaryGirl83

    Girl, 11: Tried to Burn Mom Alive (*graphic*)

    Wtf...that's wrong and if she needs to work out issues..then do it with the mother but she shouldn't be dating 15 years old boy..I agree with what Dan said also!
  15. MilitaryGirl83

    Anyone got blackberry curve?

    I decided to stay with verizon but going to have my fiancee within my new line so I won't be on my parents' line anymore so they are going to transfer me then. So far...I really like the BB tour and the Curve..I am not impressed with the BB storm 2 because you have to press hard on the...
  16. MilitaryGirl83

    Woman's blood alcohol content topples state records

    Damn..that's dangerous and she should be lucky to be alive due to alcohol much has she drank to get to that level though?
  17. MilitaryGirl83

    13-Yr.-Old Charged w/DUI

    uh..where were his parents at while he was drinking and driving?
  18. MilitaryGirl83

    Funeral home offers drunk drivers a free burial

    I agree with you, Dan!
  19. MilitaryGirl83

    Funeral home offers drunk drivers a free burial

    UHH..what the fuck?