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  1. M

    What are you thinking about? Part IV

    Wirelessly posted Add heartburn to the list, please. Some say it means the girls will have hair when they're born. If that's the case, they better have braids when they're born! The heartburn is just 'hawwarrable' but loving the bump and rubbing it all the time!
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    Deaf Awareness

    Wirelessly posted Souggy- Hotheadedness is a trait I have learned to let go as it can be very alienating and it can pop up at the most awkward times when it isn't needed. Having a calm and collected approach works, I have to do it these days. Pregnancy asks for it. Jillio- the organization is...
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    What did you do today?

    Wirelessly posted Hubby and I sorted out the girls' clothes by size and they already have a lot of clothes. Cute onesies- soooo teeny tiny! I'm so used to folding large sized clothes and this time the baby clothes are so small, it only folds once! Ha ha ha! Laundry will be a breeze. The girls...
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    Deaf Awareness

    Wirelessly posted Fyi, taking a breather from this forum will help some of you with your temper tantrums.. just saying.
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    What are you thinking about? Part IV

    Wirelessly posted We have 13 weeks left until our little daughters are in our arms. We've been shopping for a lot of pink/purple preemies/newborns clothes. My Mom is visiting tomorrow and bringing my twin nieces' infant clothes for our girls to use. Time really flies when everything is so...
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    What did you do today?

    Hi deafskeptic! Oh yes we have names picked out for the girls and they're beautiful names. Very unique and you guys will find out in 2 1/2 months!! :)
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    What did you do today?

    Wirelessly posted Just got up at 5 am before the morning rooster & the sun did! (been a habit before I got pregnant) The great thing about the quiet times; the twin girls (yup we're having girls!) are very active and will be kicking/punching. Ohh, it's beautiful to feel them and watch my...
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    Daily Limitations

    Wirelessly posted As a Deaf-Blind, my daily limitations would have to be very little access to ASL interpreting, no access to the videophone as we Canadians do not have access to VP and one major complaint would be this one. Being expected to conform to societal expectations; growing up I...
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    What did you learn today? Part II

    Wirelessly posted On the way to the loo early this am at 6, I learned I did a amazing feat that so many pregnant women talk about. Sneezing, farting and peeing my pants all while trying to hobble-run to the toilet! It's amazing I tell you... either that or I'm rendered incontinent thanks to...
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    police pepper spray 8-year old boy

    Wirelessly posted Whatever happened to talking instead of resorting to measures such as pepper-spray and/or taser? Tsk.
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    Deaf-Blindhood and a new sign in our community

    Hi everyone, I've been busy these days; pregnancy-wise and been doing quite a bit of lectures/workshops & consulting work too as well. I wanted to do a vlog to show a new sign in the Deaf-Blind community. This sign means "thanks for feeling me" ie. thanks for hearing me out, etc...
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    Ontario about to cut services for deaf-blind

    I'll be giving a workshop at RCH next week about Deaf-Blindhood in hopes to garner inspiration and to empower the Deaf-Blind community about their rights in light of the MCSS budget cutbacks.
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    How far should a parent go to keep their kid alive?

    deafdyke, I used to think the same way as you do until I felt my twins moving for the first time and I will move Heaven and Hell to make sure my babies are with me, at all costs.
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    Just exhausted!!

    :wave: Please... my back is screaming for it!
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    Nothing will be free forever Travis. It's called being an adult; being responsible for your own health and yes, being responsible for your own teeth. Drinking all that pop.. tsk.
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    Pickles..... *wiping drool away from my chin*
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    Deaf woman found guilty on a fraud charge.

    You and me too! I had better things to do with my time.
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    How Fat is too Fat/How Thin is too Thin?

    I find genuine and interesting people attractive. I am turned off by vain and self-centered people. Those who think of others first than themselves are golden in my book. Those who know inner beauty comes first than outer beauty rocks my world.
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    Son not wanting to sleep at night

    No offense or anything, I find it fascinating that it is you asking for help when it isn't the mother doing it.