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  1. D

    Mothers' delivery the babies

    3 years ago, I had vaginal birth with epidural, I had low pressure from epidural, they gave me another shot to make my pressure go high. They said I can't take epidural again when I am gonna to have another baby in the future. Anyway, I felt nothing when birth 1st son. Just feel like soap went...
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    Mothers' delivery the babies

    3 years ago, I had so pain, during labor then doctor told me to take jacuzzi in hospital. It's not hot water. it's warm water but my opinion, it made my pain got so WORST! I only stayed in for 5 mins and I couldn't stand it anymore, I got out of bath. I don't think jacuzzi would help better...
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    Mothers' delivery the babies

    24 inches long? omg!!! wow. i haven't meet anyone who have babies more than 22 long inchs
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    My new baby!

    Thanks everybody. Yea I had natural birth, and it was overdue 2 weeks late. I had 14 hours labor. But with my son, it was only 5 hours labor.
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    My new baby!

    Oh, I had natural birth with both my kids. I didn't know that baby would be that big till after the birth. They were like wow big baby! lol
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    My new baby!

    Yeah 10 lbs is huge baby, because it was overdue 2 weeks late! thanks!
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    My new baby!

    4 pics..
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    My new baby!

    Wow, I haven't check alldeaf for while. Now I am back. My new daughter Melika born on September 21, 2009. She's 10 pound and 21 half inch long. It was the most of pain ever I had. My son Damien, he's 3 years old. He's really good big brother to Melika. At begin, He was kinda snob on Melika...
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    Need ur opinion abt my girl name

    Melika is here already! She arrival on Sept 21, 2009! ill post the new one about her.
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    ASLE - American Sign Language in English

    Wow, that's a good video! I want the DVD! I really need to learn how to writing English so badly!!!
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    Why do old man like young girls?

    because usually older men have money, house, car. or young girls like older men because they are mature, some young girls is already mature enough early.
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    I bribe my children

    Dang, I wishhh I could babysit your daughter. I am deaf mother, and I having a son who is 3 years old and he's deaf. He knows a lot of ASL. But sad, you live too far from here. I am from oregon.
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    Taller Shorter Couple

    Second that!
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    Why do old man like young girls?

    I won't go for old men. I rather 19-27 years old, im 22. I wouldn't feel comfortable with old men cuz feel like they are my dad.
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    Taller Shorter Couple

    Oh also, I remember I met a shorter guy, I showed my mom pic of me and a guy. My mom was laughing at the picture and said "he's so little boy!"..I was like shut up I don't care.
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    Taller Shorter Couple

    I just saw your link about somebody shorter and taller, I seen my friends is worser than that, a girl was like 4'11 and a guy was 6'5 I think. Not sure about their height but something around that. But they look so cute couples anyway. Myself, I prefer taller guy than me. When I met a shorter...
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    how long is it okay to wait for a date

    never make a plans for wait for 2 years..just say nothing, and make nothing plans. Wait till you fall in love with a girl then GO ask her out if you feel fully trust her. Then go for it, don't wait.
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    how long is it okay to wait for a date

    Ummm, I think it doesn't matter of how long to wait till start dating. It really depends on how people feel. Sometimes they have first sight love, sometimes they falling in love in few weeks later or months or years. It's really many different of people's feeling. My ex bf and I don't date till...
  19. D

    When you're talking to a boy, what kind of topics that keeps the convo going?

    oh nevermind, just read other of ur comments. He already got a girl, im sorry about that.
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    When you're talking to a boy, what kind of topics that keeps the convo going?

    Oh same with me before. I hate it when guys said yea, no, sure, ok, so simple words. Sometimes I asked guys if they want to play questions and answers games about our life by getting to know eachother. I asked them qq, they answered it than yea, ok, blah. It made them talk more, and then I said...