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  1. S

    how old u gotta be

    If my daughter was smoking around the house. I'll damn kick her ass. Not out of the house but her ass. I swear if she did, she'll not see another daylight again. :-D Yes, I'm mean mother but I'm thinking best of her health.
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    how old u gotta be

    sorry kid, its 18. Ur friend had won the bet. :( Couldn't go on ur side.
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    Mainstreaming Issues

    Attend to hearing school. LOVED the education and friends there but interpeter pissed me off. Quit the school. Yak Yakkkk!!! But that not only reason, tho. I was also going to deaf school. Going half to both schools. Hated interpeter and deaf school itself. *Sigh* oh well. EDIT: Interpeter...
  4. S

    drop my jaw

    <<never saw my real father and rather not. Long story. For the people who have father in their lives because father is always there and guys are lucky. Just remember that always. :)
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    My town has some serious problems. . .

    I am not TOTALLY surprised, PDP. People can be real dumb these days. Geez. Alot of you are real funny about day delays and stuff. I went to Maine.. UPPPPPPPERRRR maine, geez wizz..anyway.. I went to this monster truck thingy I guess and they had fireworks there... 3 of them...
  6. S

    You Have Won!!!!

    I'll pay off bills, get a house and a car. Then Mmm... last thing I would do is to give money to people who doesnt have foods or clothes OR MAYBE MAYBE... have children come to my house and raise them myself. Hey why not..they got to have a home to go to and have school and everything. Dont ya...
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    Outing for the Summer

    Mmm.. cancel that. Ohio!! :) Damn wallet.
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    How are you, all AD members?

    Doing good. Hungry, tired and doing well. :) Thanks for asking, CHEL! :)
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    Anyone of you who have sidekick pager

    I call it a pager. But thats me. You have your opinion. Simple as that. No arguments. :D
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    Cost of Living

    There ARE reasons for people to use SSI. People like me, I have hard time being around people because of how my nervous system does to me. I am trying to get them because I have my reasons and there are no need to say such things what u guys had said. Saying Deaf can do it and everything. I do...
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    Mmm..weird topic but okay. :) Wood chair. On my mom's computer. Sofey computer spinning chair on my sister's computer. (DAMN CABLE MODEM ON HER COMP) As for my computer since its not hook up but if it was, floor. How fun to sit on the wooded floor. Mmm.. I might move back 2 Maine...
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    Outing for the Summer

    COOL!! Awesome! Hope u can come back and tell about it. :) Hope u have fun!
  13. S

    swimming pool..

    Got pool. Above one. SUCKS!!! Wish it was ground pool. More deeper and more fun! :) Oh well..when I get my own place.. I am DEF. getting it. No matter what. WEEE!!!! par-TYYYYYYYYY!!!!
  14. S

    Outing for the Summer

    Mmmm... I got invited to Maine by my ex boyfriend, Dan. My baby's father. He wanted me to go to MONSTER TRUCK with him and see his grandparents. I think I'll go to that. :) I aint sure because I might wont be with my family for cookout and fireworks. Mmm.. we'll see..we'll see... Mmm...
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    thats weird. good night. :)
  16. S

    Anyone who involved or saw..

    OK whatever, prostock. As for waterrats, I'm glad u got out of there with no pentalies. :) And out of the area that aint good for you.
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    umm.. double check on ur link. The HTML doesnt get me anywhere. :( I'm very bad with HTML. I think its night now. GN! (so tired, so beat. :( GN)
  18. S

    Places in NJ?

    Oops wrong place. Umm... NJ have six flags. :)
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    LOOKS really good. wow.. i cant do something like that. bleh