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  1. kokonut

    Is it worth to be "oral"?

    Correct. A hearing aid or cochlear implant is used to help facilitate the necessary feedback enabling one to hear his/her own voice.
  2. kokonut

    Paper cuts **Graphic Content Warning**

    That was no paper cut. Don't look!! Too late...
  3. kokonut

    Dad unfit parent for not taking son to McDonalds

    I believe our parents probably said the same thing when we were kids, too.
  4. kokonut

    Mark Levin: Let’s eradicate the term ‘hearing impaired

    Hey, I am just your normal everyday hard of hearing guy. *shrugs*
  5. kokonut

    Dad unfit parent for not taking son to McDonalds

    Oh, spare me this nonsense! What the father did was probably the smartest thing. The kid had a choice. NY dad deemed unfit for not taking son to McDonald's | Fox News
  6. kokonut

    another mass shooting......

    So did I, on CNN which commented on it for several seconds and moved on with a commercial break. NBC news did a little better but lasted some 20 seconds or so. No wall to wall coverage on this mass shooting pointing out the "evils of guns"? Is it because this shooting took place on the east side...
  7. kokonut

    another mass shooting......

    Person of interest arrested in barbershop slayings | How come the media not report this and go crazy over another mass shooting involving 30 to 40 shots striking several people and killing some?
  8. kokonut

    Is it worth to be "oral"?

    You are taking things way out of proportion by making these, imho, ridiculous assumptions about him or what he supposedly think or would react based on a few comments he made so far in such an accusatory tone. Tomm in fact did say,"Yes, it'd be great if deaf kids were bilingual in both a sign...
  9. kokonut

    Home Made Slingshot

    I would but I'm the type of guy who'd take certain precautions since I know a steel ball is much harder than my bones.
  10. kokonut

    Poll: If all of the Arctic (North Pole) sea ice melted....

    Sure. You do your own research, understand how certain things work and then you can reasonably form your own opinion based on what you've found.
  11. kokonut

    Is it worth to be "oral"?

    Kids with mild hearing loss were misdiagnosed as being "mentally disabled"? Riight. Do you have something to back up your assertions or claims? :wave:
  12. kokonut

    Is it worth to be "oral"?

    I don't see anything what Tomm said that points out him assuming that deaf people are advocating for pure sign language. He did say, "...of course the main language should be sign language."
  13. kokonut

    Home Made Slingshot

    Steel balls? Should've worn a motorcycle helmet. Could've easily gone straight into the eyeball socket. The guy virtually gave himself a lobotomy.
  14. kokonut

    Is it worth to be "oral"?

    I'm talking about people who have problems with people who have no problem being who they are and comfortable with their communication choice. They're the ignorant ones. They're the ones who are causing most of the frustration. If you are comfortable with ASL and fine for who you are but if...
  15. kokonut

    Is it worth to be "oral"?

    Yes, I know.
  16. kokonut

    Poll: If all of the Arctic (North Pole) sea ice melted....

    If ww3 errupts using nuclear bombs then the problem would be the radioactive water that becomes undrinkable. THat is depending where the explosion took place, how many, and the prevailing weather patern at the time (ie wind direction, jet stream).
  17. kokonut

    Is it worth to be "oral"?

    I agree. Yet I think ignorance plays a role in causing that frustration and even more ignorance by those who think deaf means dumb. Those who think deaf means dumb are not worth having a dialague with. If you are comfortable for who you are and are comfortable with your preferred communication...
  18. kokonut

    How do you sign "rock & roll"?

    Maybe this will help? :lol:
  19. kokonut

    I like having my ears cleaned.

    Never had a wax problem though so I wouldn't know.
  20. kokonut

    I like having my ears cleaned.
