It snow yesterday:D but today is clear, but VERY COLD!!:roll:
Ireland is beside England but British weather is always worse. more snow, colder and more rain and floods!
I would ask PAM if they think that fair?:giggle:
:lol: last year at smimming pool i walk into men changing room by mistake:Oops: they all jeer me and make joke about me all night, :giggle:
I so embarssed I never go back!:giggle:
would TPBM hav nerve go go back if it them it happen to them?:hmm:
That suck about taxi fares in Peru. that really drive me mad.
In Ireland Taxi fares set by goverment so they can not hike up the price.
But the shops do! and that maek me mad! If you can wait till Jan all the price drop again.