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  1. P

    Do you think Deafness is disease???

    Maybe it is. I don't know to be honest. It just some people argue it is and some argue it is not. I suppose it whole different debate from this. I was just make point the way different people view types of illness
  2. P

    hello im new im christine from yarm north east

    :wave: Welcome to Alldeaf!
  3. P

    Do you think Deafness is disease???

    I agree, of course not! But some people might argue like they do with alcohlics. some people insist that is a disease.
  4. P

    Where is everyone from?

    I from english town called Hemel Hempstead
  5. P

    Happy Holidays, everyone!

    :roll: Aww I am crying now:(
  6. P

    lost in the maze

    :wave: Welcome to Alldeaf!
  7. P

    I would (blank) the person above me.

    I would make the PAM wash their mouth out with soap! :lol:
  8. P

    Person Below Me

    Kind of coz I will be working at the turn of 12:( Does the PBM have someone close to kiss at midnight new years?:giggle:
  9. P

    Person Below Me

    :hmm:, sometimes yes. but it always catch up on me after day or two!:zzz: Is the PBM grumpy after a bad night sleep?
  10. P

    Happy Holidays, everyone!

    Merry Cchistmas to you too RockB...RockBu.....ROCKDRUMMER!:lol:
  11. P

    I would (blank) the person above me.

    :mad: I will NEVER speak to the two PAM again for taking my cookie!:giggle:
  12. P

    Person Below Me

    :aw:No I think you lucky to have good friend that will sit up with you all night! Does TPBM think I am right in say that?
  13. P

    I would (blank) the person above me.

    I would try steal a cookie:giggle:
  14. P

    Person Below Me

    Yes, been lipreading all my life. Same question to TPBM!!
  15. P


    :wave: Hi and welcome to Alldeaf!
  16. P

    Hello from the Netherlands!

    :wave: Hi Cathy! Welcome to Alldeaf!! Holland is such beautiful country! I visit Amsterdam once but next time I must see more of country!
  17. P

    Contest can you please vote for me!?

  18. P

    Contest can you please vote for me!?

    me too..still 288 :roll:
  19. P


    :wave: Good for you! Welcome to Alldeaf!
  20. P

    Person Below Me

    :wave: I just count them. 32!! But only from 14 diferent people:giggle: Does TPBM like to have their photo taken?:hmm: