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  1. P

    I pass driving test today!!!

    Ha Ha, now I understand. You should come to Ireland Jiro were you will find a whole couuntry full of independent and capable women! It just as well I did not mention I can ride a motorbike!:lol: Is ther such a thing as an automatic motorbike?:hmm:
  2. P

    Person Below Me

    Posted too late!! :lol:
  3. P

    Person Below Me

    My 2 favourite films are real oldies, Not without my daughter and The Champ. Did TPBM ever see any of these films?
  4. P

    I pass driving test today!!!

    Is this some sort of american thing? whats so special about girls driving manual cars?:hmm: Maybe I missing something?:lol:
  5. P

    I pass driving test today!!!

    :lol: Most cars in Ireland are manual. Is it different in the USA? Or is it a rude joke were I am supposed to read between the lines?:giggle:
  6. P

    I pass driving test today!!!

    Thanks everyone! No problem Jiro. I just charge standart taxi rate as you are a pal:giggle:
  7. P

    I pass driving test today!!!

    Yes. I have never driven automatic car.
  8. P

    I pass driving test today!!!

    I did not think of that. maybe that why he overlook my mistake!
  9. P

    I pass driving test today!!!

    :lol: I have had my own car for year now. It just I had provessional licence only which mean there was restrictions on were I could drive. With full licence I can go any where and my car insurance will be lot cheaper:D
  10. P

    My Pics =$

    Yes! He did resign when we found out he wasted millions on oversea trips spending on everything and anything. But he did not have to give any money back and he resign with full goverment pension that is about 10 times the average wage! who said crime does not pay?? But he is only the tip of the...
  11. P

    My Pics =$

    That realy bad. Goverments make me so angry!:mad: Here is not as bad but they still anger me. They promise everything to get elected but then they do little but waste taxpayer money. recently 1 minester wanted to travel from one side of airport to other, distance 1/4 mile. does he get taxi?
  12. P

    I pass driving test today!!!

    I pass driving test today!!! I thought it might be cancel coz many roads very icy. but no, we stay with good roads. Then I thought i fail coz I make mistake reverse around corner! I hit kerb! But I did it again second time ok. At end he say I pass! It going to be a good year I am feeling!!
  13. P

    My Pics =$

    those kids so cute, it very sad. you do great work! Is there much poverty in Peru?
  14. P

    Orphan cat

    Aw, that so sad :cry:
  15. P

    Pics of me recently:)

    Yes that was it. only 2 day into new year and poor Rockdrummer in trouble already!!:laugh2:
  16. P

    I'm deaf and wanna chat for fun come chat w me:-)

    I saw that too! But I think he died recently? I could be mistaken
  17. P

    Reveal your NYE!

    I stop work for about 15 minute while all people are singing. I hug a few people. start work again.
  18. P

    Happy New Year from Sydney, Australia!

    :wave: Hi and welcome to Alldeaf!. see u around!
  19. P

    Pics of me recently:)

    :roll: That type of comment is why I don't like post pics of myself. Lovely pics Alicia!
  20. P

    Person Below Me

    I wish to get 1 good full time job. at moment I work 2 part time jobs. I also wish to improve my education greatly. PBM, 1st day of 2010, is 2010 of to good start for you yet?