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  1. C.C.Sinned

    Scranton School for Deaf & Hard-of-Hearing Children will host a car show

    To me, seeing cars in their original state can be just as exciting as a rod or kustom. like if you browse the album syug doog (good guys spelled backwards) you will see a early Nova restored to pristine condition. very rare site these days. At one of the Ocean City MD cruise I've checked out...
  2. C.C.Sinned

    How are you feeling today?....

    how much did she cost you?
  3. C.C.Sinned

    Another job interview today.. scary

    good luck
  4. C.C.Sinned

    Scranton School for Deaf & Hard-of-Hearing Children will host a car show

    Car Show at Scranton School For Deaf There are about 140 photos in public albums. enjoy...
  5. C.C.Sinned

    Scranton School for Deaf & Hard-of-Hearing Children will host a car show

    thank you for the tip. I use flickr for most of my photos. only use photobucket for public crap.
  6. C.C.Sinned

    Scranton School for Deaf & Hard-of-Hearing Children will host a car show

    will post photos tomorrow. :cool2: uploading to photobucket is going extremely slow. :roll: so will post in morning.
  7. C.C.Sinned

    How are you feeling today?....

    have. really enjoyed it. have you tried Steve Alten's megladon series? great reads
  8. C.C.Sinned

    The All Deaf Spammer Registry

  9. C.C.Sinned

    How are you feeling today?....

    saw Jaws at a drive-in in Yuba City CA the summer of release. I was about to turn 6 the next month... Jaws scared the crap of me. screwed me up for life. sharks scare the hell out of me to this day.... still I have watched Jaws over 500 times since... :popcorn:
  10. C.C.Sinned

    What are you thinking about? Part V

    reckless I would NOT allow it. It would take a real douchbag to endanger a 2 year old like that. especially without helmet or googles. they do make mini atvs for young kids, they are for older than 2. if it was a powerwheels it would not be an issue. This is an issue I would take a...
  11. C.C.Sinned

    Odd reason for joining

    what are your favorite breeds?
  12. C.C.Sinned

    Odd reason for joining

    see post 85
  13. C.C.Sinned

    Odd reason for joining

    can we move past this now? have fun posting mimsy :wave:
  14. C.C.Sinned

    Am I the only hearing teen around here?

    it's the latest fad.
  15. C.C.Sinned

    Odd reason for joining

    my expression - was for the name was different thread, article... this crazy train has gone off the rails down a cliff... :dizzy:
  16. C.C.Sinned

    Odd reason for joining

    agreed yes, let's get off Mimsy's back
  17. C.C.Sinned

    Change of moderation guidelines, recent member events

    read the link posted in your intro thread.