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  1. C.C.Sinned

    Please help me vote

    I already know the answer, I can't but I can count to thirteen when my hands are in my pants...
  2. C.C.Sinned

    Deaf community lost a great friend and leader.

    Babyblue's friend not her husband
  3. C.C.Sinned

    having a tough time finding a summer job..

    naisho -><-Sinned
  4. C.C.Sinned

    Deaf community lost a great friend and leader.

    glad he will be apprehended. bet he was drunk and split had the chance to sleep it off. :roll:
  5. C.C.Sinned

    Deaf community lost a great friend and leader.

    :repost: mods please merge with
  6. C.C.Sinned

    Who is single here?

    well I got slice of pizza under my left man boob, half a cheesesteak under my right backboob, sardines under right man boob and a stromboli under my belly flap for snack times. so I think I smell like jesery shore's snooki...
  7. C.C.Sinned

    Please help me vote

    what is the meaning of context using that emoticon? should I create a poll? I'll shut up now :P
  8. C.C.Sinned

    Who is single here?

    i'll date you! try to control your lust for my sexiness
  9. C.C.Sinned

    Who is single here?

    then there is something wrong with you. :shock: correct that fast!
  10. C.C.Sinned

    Say good bye to caps lock

    after watching porn? :eek3:
  11. C.C.Sinned

    Deaf community lost a great friend and leader.

    sorry for your loss babyblue. hope this driver is caught.
  12. C.C.Sinned

    Please don't ask just vote please!!

    they would :thumb:
  13. C.C.Sinned

    Please don't ask just vote please!!

    where did you buy yours? my jackhammer powered vibrator was rected at the patent office
  14. C.C.Sinned

    Jerusalem doggie DNA database to trace poo offenders

    people used to walk their dogs on my street and not pick up the droppings. I knew who the offenders were. so, used my pooper scooper, put dropping in a bucket and returned the droppings to the owners. now the dog owners walk their dogs on a different street.
  15. C.C.Sinned

    Please don't ask just vote please!!

    maybe someone should invent a turbocharged vibrator :hmm:
  16. C.C.Sinned

    Summer time :d

    next time take a picture with a cell phone or whatever. :naughty:
  17. C.C.Sinned

    What's your height?

    6'2" have short legs. if my legs were in proprtion with the rest of me, I'd be 6'5" or 6'6". so I'm kinda of built like a knuckle dragging gorilla...
  18. C.C.Sinned

    Do not pick up stray flashlights in AZ!

    maybe the victims were looking for a free fleshlight
  19. C.C.Sinned

    Lack of interaction with women

    dem bitches are hawt! :naughty:
  20. C.C.Sinned

    Please help me vote

    ok, I will after this question: can you get by on good looks?