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  1. J

    Machine Bath for Pets

    but to think of this... if you.. yourself give a cat a bath.. what will happen? you're gonna get all scratched up.. with scratch fever or infection from a cat bite. it doesn't sound like fun for cats to be in the machine but it sure saves trouble for humans. like for instance, like most...
  2. J

    Cat Bite

    not only its from rabies. its a bacterial that the cats have in the saliva. most of you are right about washing your hands with hot water and soap.. that's the best way to do it. However, not everybody gets lucky. this is my 2nd cat bite and the first one wasn't so bad but went and got the...
  3. J

    Cat Bite

    yes "it" was sent to the health department and got the results back.. the rabies were negative.
  4. J

    Cat Bite

    with open wounds?
  5. J

    Cat Bite

    shel90 and suckstobeyou, thanks!
  6. J

    Cat Bite

    the cats at work scratches me all the time and it doesn't bother me too much. when it comes to biting and leaving open wounds.. is a different story. if you get bit and leaving open wounds on you.. ya gonna want to see your doctor. however.. they are fun to play with and to cuddle with. I...
  7. J

    Cat Bite

    it does look that simple and means nothing but in less than 24 hours without being treated can be pretty bad. I still use peroxide and ointment to kill the germs and keep it clean. I also bandage to prevent from getting it dirty. when i was in the e.r. the dr stuck a needle in the...
  8. J

    Last Movie You Watched?

    I watched Stop-Loss last week... it was pretty sad throughout the movie but yet it was good.
  9. J

    Cat Bite

    its pretty bad even though if its a small cute bite, it's still painful.
  10. J

    Ever lose a hearing aid?

    I was told by my mom that I threw them in the toilet several times. as growing up, I have left my hearing aids in places where it shouldn't be and it gets broken. My dad's dog chewed up one, my little cousin took it from my night stand and played with it and couldn't find it. now I can't...
  11. J

    Cat Bite

    Just so you all know, if anytime you get bit by a cat (mean or nice) and you have an open wound, SEEK A DOCTOR! The first time I got bit was on my right wrist and I went straight to the doctor and got shots. It healed pretty quickly. That was 2 years ago. Last friday I got bit again on...
  12. J

    MVP Stats on Purple line - let compare

    Anybody want to trade emails with me for MVP!?
  13. J

    Some Math help pls?? =/

    :iough: I'm out..... I suck at math....
  14. J

    Driving & Looking Away

    I can put a blindfold and drive... lol I can drive and look away for a few seconds. its in my nature to look around.. the street names, stores, I pretty much memorize most of the things that are around me. I tend to use my legs to steer when i'm on my BB... only to read my bb and a...
  15. J

    MVP Stats on Purple line - let compare

    i've had the old acct so that means i'll get it faster and when will that be??????
  16. J

    MVP Stats on Purple line - let compare

    ahh cool! i must be your 20th!!! :)
  17. J

    Family Pets Falling Victim To Hard Economic Times

    I wouldn't give up my pets either but.. those who have a huge farm with horses, dogs, cats, such as such.. its almost unbearable to keep up with the budget with medical care, food, paying property tax, etc. alot of the businesses are having cut backs and alot of stores are closing down. with...
  18. J

    Family Pets Falling Victim To Hard Economic Times

    the economy here in the state sucks! doesn't the president realized how its affecting us? people losing their houses, pets, jobs, their belongings.. that's just not fair. I feel bad for those who had no choice but to let the animals go. that really sucks.
  19. J

    MVP Stats on Purple line - let compare

    I invited you in your gmail. maybe its a different email addy.. PM with your email address. i wasn't sure if you still use your gmail or not. but I did send you :(
  20. J

    Meeting AD Members....

    just messing with you .... :cool2: