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  1. Irish Devil Dog

    ask smartiesgeek anything as you want!!

    :naughty: yeah I kno :P
  2. Irish Devil Dog

    Picture of your children Prom Pictures

    Aw thank you!! :ily:
  3. Irish Devil Dog

    your parent are accpet your become lesbain/gay

    Yeah ofc it's my life that they can't do anything abt it as my parent agreed that they can't do anything about it as long I'm happy w/ it :D
  4. Irish Devil Dog

    ask me forum

    Sounds good idea.. I agreed w/ ya wicked. Too many people would add n add n add threads abt themselves so shld add a forum for Ask me.
  5. Irish Devil Dog

    Soap Opera shows

    Passions is my fave soap opera show :D
  6. Irish Devil Dog

    your parent are accpet your become lesbain/gay

    Umm I guess this little different thread. Alright well my parent accepted who I am but not my lifestyle.. but they seems begin to accept it anyways :D
  7. Irish Devil Dog

    Picture of your children Prom Pictures

    OOps I forgot add pix argh :D
  8. Irish Devil Dog

    Picture of your children Prom Pictures

    LOL I dont have any kids. But I went to my prom JR and SR year... Here my senior prom pix :P.
  9. Irish Devil Dog

    Holly crap it's nuty.

    Welcome to ADv2!! Enjoy yer stay :D
  10. Irish Devil Dog

    Answer a Question, Ask a Question

    Libra. What month is ur bday?
  11. Irish Devil Dog

    boyfriend or girlfriend

    Dont have gf yet... Most of my exes are :deaf:
  12. Irish Devil Dog

    room mates...

    Yes and No. I used had an ex gf at first then turned to be roommate.. Yes we broke up a year later when we were still roommate and plms pretty alot.. But after that we getting along much better and so far we r fine :D
  13. Irish Devil Dog

    Answer a Question, Ask a Question

    The love/happiness feeling. what is the worse feeling u had?
  14. Irish Devil Dog

    all the secrets of

    :rofl: u shld save it for Halloween time
  15. Irish Devil Dog

    Go In The Dark

    :werd: I do same thing.. Must turn light ON lol
  16. Irish Devil Dog

    Funny lines

    Q. What do you call a virgin on a waterbed? A. A cherry float. Q. What did the sign on the door of the whorehouse say? A. BEAT IT - we're closed. Q. What's the difference between sin and shame? A. It is a sin to put it in, but it's a shame to pull it out. Q. What's the speed limit of...
  17. Irish Devil Dog

    Kid learn the cuss words

    Ah really?