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  1. P

    Who likes tattoo? do u have any?

    oh i thought we had to do it in the other forum...:lol: here's some not-so-good shots taken ages ago from my BB the last 2 i jus got it done a months ago, the heart one is my own design and the music one i re-arrange the notes to make more sense. I have another one on my chest... not showing...
  2. P

    Who likes tattoo? do u have any?

    yeah i can do that, can i post the pics in here?
  3. P

    Who likes tattoo? do u have any?

    oh no... that is a real bummer! i regretted my very 1st one too
  4. P

    Who likes tattoo? do u have any?

    ahhh who cares what other people think... as long as the meaning is good for u.... you're the one getting ink not them hehheheehheehe.... worst they'll just think you're another weirdo:giggle:
  5. P

    Who likes tattoo? do u have any?

    when r u gonna get that 1/2 finished off? hehhehehehe is it one of those big ones? nthat covers the whole arm/leg/back or something
  6. P

    Who likes tattoo? do u have any?

    yeah get it guys but they do have a bad side - not sure if this will make sense to u, but the pain is kinda addictive. With the 1st one, everyone is usually very cared and hesitant but after getting it done and goin thru the process of taking care of it. it is very tempting to get another one...
  7. P

    Who likes tattoo? do u have any?

    im no ink addict , but i do have a thing for tattoos... i have 6 in total and probably be geting more in the futre. Henna tattoos are pretty nice too.
  8. P

    Do you have a collection? What do you collect?

    i see what u mean.... yes theres many cute ones out there
  9. P

    who's a better parent?

  10. P

    Do you have a collection? What do you collect?

    r u joking or being serious?.... i think its cool, i have a friend who collect undies too.... like those lacy imtimates stuff.... very girly kinda thing i collect alot of weird stuff, used to collect plush toys i had a whole room dedicated to itkinda grew out of it as i grew older plus...
  11. P

    Do you have a collection? What do you collect?

    :wave: I collect perfume miniatures and clothes tag.... strange i know - i had my built-in doors filled with clothes tag i stuck on (the mirror doors was boring). It took longer then i thought..... some of the tags ive had since years and years ago. what do u collect?
  12. P

    is is dis rude or disrespectful in the deaf culture?

    :lol: yeah guess ur right... its just a thing we ...well i do on impulse, hehheheheehe yeah he was the delivery guy bringing the boxes into that back room which she was blocking the doorway what's a dolly? a trolley/cart thingy? - yeah he did have one of thoses with more boxes to be...
  13. P

    The first "ILU"

    i think action means more then words when it comes to your case. sometimes expressing u love someone doesnt have to be perform vocally, and yeah.. the ILY sign is sweet but its just too overused so i think u can forget that idea. You can do what Kaelei suggested, thats nice.
  14. P

    Alive tired!!!!!!

    botts u have a point..... :hmm:.. so what are u saying lovelove?
  15. P

    Expert: we’ll be marrying robots by 2050

  16. P

    Hey you BOYS!!! yes BOYS!!!

  17. P

    Season's Greeting and a great NEW YEAR!

    hey everyone, wishing u all a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year. Hoping 2010 will bring u more luck, prosperity, health and peace - to us individual and to the world:cuddle: have a safe one.
  18. P

    Alive tired!!!!!!

    :hug:hey, i dont know how u feel but its sounding terrible. i can relate to your pain, ive been thru it, not only me but i think many other ADer's has been thru it as well. we understand your pain. Dont cry, let Jiro weep for u.. i reckon u should tell your parents or at least let them...
  19. P

    is is dis rude or disrespectful in the deaf culture?

    im not too worried, like Botts said, she was probably tired, if i did embarrass her then gzzz im sorry, but no need for a death look lol oh the delivery man wasnt yeliing at her, becuase that'll be really rude of him. he was carrying boxes n they looked pretty heavy, he had no hand and since...
  20. P

    is is dis rude or disrespectful in the deaf culture?

    oh i hate dat too!!!!.....sometimes i just want to shove them back real hard!:giggle: but then if i do that, im no better then they are.