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  1. DoVip

    Guess what happened?

    It was already dead! man
  2. DoVip

    Guess what happened?

    I went to the 24 fitness for 2 hours after home, BUT while I was driving on the street, i saw there is one cat dead on street, and crush it! Oh &#%! Jesus Christ! It was accident I couldn’t control myself because I can’t see too dark...I’m so tired....Maybe im f^#*ed up...:zzz:
  3. DoVip

    He is having a very bad day

    He can never tell his influence bc he has no life for damn nothing. Maybe he's ready to die. He has gun but of course it is jammed. Why doesn't he instead of a knife? lol
  4. DoVip

    Where ""???

    Yeah same here. my friend told me abt deafjoke then he gave me link and i clicked it but it said that. i was like wtf? I told him that account suspend. He said "Oh? had no idea" that fucked i missed it. :roll:
  5. DoVip

    Forum of Pictures and Videos are public?

    lolol tsk tsk
  6. DoVip

    World Deaf Expo 2012

    I can't wait there...God bless. but....that's so long!
  7. DoVip

    who's on twitter?

    @thebombpoker follow me on. =]
  8. DoVip

    Post GIF Animation

    wow, u've been still obsessed with me? it seem u r remind of me. how interesting.:hmm:
  9. DoVip

    Pics of you - Part V

  10. DoVip

    Wat ur Sign Language for F4ck ?

    shit! :shock:
  11. DoVip

    What are you thinking about? Part IV

    Yes true. lol:cool2:
  12. DoVip

    Tattoos, Piercings, and Bears "Oh My!"

    I have one tattoo with my shoulder and arm on dragon. =]
  13. DoVip

    What are you thinking about? Part IV

    I'm thinking about WSOP (World Series of Poker) I want to win so badly that I would have given my friends to win the bracelet. For in deaf history. So talk not about money. That's my goal. ;) lol
  14. DoVip

    Ufc 130

    Matt Hamill was not good enough! because he tried get his legs but it won't work cuz Rampage was strong legs all times that waste his time. Rampage already know that. For nothing, so he needs learn how to boxing, not wrestle.
  15. DoVip

    Would you date someone with kids?

    Hi CK. Long time no see you. :io:
  16. DoVip

    YO whats up!

    lol thats cool. but im not sure. what do u try tell me abt us if i remember u. lol
  17. DoVip

    YO whats up!

    Really? hmmm. Sorry, i can't remember. lol so very long
  18. DoVip

    YO whats up!

    Hey Alex, my old friend! thanks. :cool2: Yes, I been enjoy it myself. lol Oh yeah Last year summer, I saw you in LV airplane! I tried to get you but someone irritated me for need me something. then I turned you disappeared! lol
  19. DoVip

    YO whats up!

    Yeah i know lol. well, not much I go sf...rarely. but there is nice a beautiful.
  20. DoVip

    YO whats up!

    hey, you. my old friend!