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    AllDeaf Caucus 2008 - POLL!!!

    Either way is fine with me but I'm not going anyway... or should I? :P
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    :birthday: 33 is a nice age, indeed. :thumb:
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    Window the best! :thumb:
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    It's ok to post

    LMAO! Here I am, posting all over again :P Whatever.
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    what's ur states' deaf websites ?

    Any new ones? :)
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    Hi from Suzanne

    :welcome: and enjoy your stay!!
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    Hello from the UK

    :welcome: Enjoy your stay and post a lot with us! We're fun!!
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    DVDFreaker is a liar!

    :birthday: Sorry it late but better than nothing. Happy belated birthday! :thumb:
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    Sunshinelady ... why ?

    Congratulations! :thumb: :grouphug:
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    New video phone technology enables deaf to speak sign over home phone!

    ??? What you talk about? Explain more.
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    alanbecker on deviantART

    LMAO! I love this! :thumb:
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    Cat and crow is friendly?.

    MEEPS!!!! That bird likes shiny things and I thought maybe that bird will pick the kitty's eyes out! :P LOL Cute video anyway! :thumb:
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    Dont mess with grandma

    ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Grammy!!! HA!
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    This one I like :)

    LMAO!!!! I love this video! Thanks for sharing and the laughter!! :thumb:
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    Passed out drunk girl gets her head shaved

    Oh wow... thank God it's not me. Whew. Yeah, it's so disrespectful. :ugh:
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    crazy cat

    Something's not right about this cat shaking its head like that. I don't think it's funny. :/
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    cute baby

    Aww, beautiful picture of the baby and the woman!! :thumb: Cute that the baby suck on the nose. Heh. Thanks for sharing.
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    Drunk Animals

    :giggle: Poor them. Hehe. It's funny.
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    Pic of me and my furkids...

    I miss the first pictures but the other pix are so cute. I love kitties!! I have a cat too. **PURR** Heh. :thumb: Thanks for sharing, FC.
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    Helicopter Hot Extraction Video (No CC)

    Awesome! :thumb: That's so cool!