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  1. qwerty123

    Sorenson Ntouch

    you mean not loginme
  2. qwerty123

    Sorenson Ntouch

    FCC had request for proposal nuestar responded FCC granted contract to nuestar FCC pay for it
  3. qwerty123

    Sorenson Ntouch

    you mean Neustar the centralized database of vp numbers
  4. qwerty123

    Sorenson Ntouch

    Welcome to Facebook
  5. qwerty123

    HTC EVO buried in snow all night and it survived!

    install Lookout app 3 meter accurate
  6. qwerty123

    Sorenson Ntouch

    no first name was S-Vision google it
  7. qwerty123

    Sorenson ntouch

    mod please report this Highlander excessive animated graphic
  8. qwerty123

    Hack MVP?

    high time hack MVP me mvp thick thick dust remmy the thread mvp blunder
  9. qwerty123

    VRS Competition

    costs and not reimbursed by FCC if point to point calls
  10. qwerty123

    DD-WRT VP-200 Wireless Bridge

    Not much you can do?? hang foil paper like wallpaper entire room
  11. qwerty123

    Sorenson vp-200

    how old is too young? grammar school kids is fine
  12. qwerty123

    Rumor: Sorenson ntouch PC get leaked pictures, January 6th 2011 release date?

    why worry over bandwidth cap? already happened to you? thing of past Look (footnote 21) me have 5 computer 2 laptop 2 vp200 several other vp with time wanrer no problem
  13. qwerty123

    DD-WRT VP-200 Wireless Bridge

    use port forward not dmz connect vp200 to wrt54g and use dhcp to get address from wrt600n then uncheck dhcp and set up pf on wrt600n dont have be on
  14. qwerty123

    HOW TO: Connect VP200 to a Wireless Network

    fucking idiot? you mean vp200 will work on WIRED connection using WIRELESS routers, fine
  15. qwerty123

    Frustrations on VPs and DSL issues.

    go ahead try dlink i2eye to see me suggest take your vp200 to different location like friend house 50 or 100 miles away and try their internet to rule out your DSL problem try dsl modem at MPOE as the only connection to rule out house wirings
  16. qwerty123

    Frustrations on VPs and DSL issues.

    FCC rules say must have local number for vp before make vrs call so dlink i2eye are outdated rick is right
  17. qwerty123

    Old AD members

    like nathan Dismal Shadow real name ethan
  18. qwerty123

    oh ceez i broke my vp-200

    why buy when vp mount is free from soresnon? See dragon post
  19. qwerty123

    MainstreamVRS for Android phone

    mainstreamvrs is prolly start up business destined for failure