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  1. R2D2

    second thought about idea of going bilateral

    When you first posted about going bilateral, I was bit unsure at first because you mentioned in earlier posts that you weren't that happy with the CI and with your word scores. But since you say that some of the problems have been resolved with a new map then perhaps going bilateral might give...
  2. R2D2

    I gots good news

    Fantastic progress! You have done so well in such a short space of time. It was obviously the right decision for you :)
  3. R2D2

    How many of you have two cochlear implants?

    Yes, I had bad ringing after my first surgery too. It improved over the three weeks and then started up a bit more after activation, before decreasing significantly over the following months. Very normal and very common. It will likely improve for you within weeks after activation.
  4. R2D2

    Has this ever happened to you?

    Hi Kipourgos, The thread that you posted to is 5 years old and it looks as if the original poster is no longer on AD.
  5. R2D2

    So what's the deal?

    Wow, it sounds like a difficult job. I hardly ever use the relay but do try and be polite to the operator. It's interesting to read your perspective - sounds like you deal with a lot of cranky deaf people! Why have you stuck with it for so long? Most people who experience abuse from the...
  6. R2D2

    An Hearing Person Comes Up To You And Say "What's that?" OR "Is that a hearing aid?"

    Same here! And I played along with it too. In adulthood I've never had anyone ask me what my hearing aid or CI was though. Even when I went to the Philippines recently, no one asked me what the CI was, which surprised me as they are not common there and nor are hearing aids except among the...
  7. R2D2

    Proccessor falling

    Agree with the others. Your tinnitus is likely because your brain has had a rude awakening with the CI activation and is sending out its alarm signals, so to speak. Your brain thinks that silence or quieter is the normal state. It should die down eventually as you become accustomed to the...
  8. R2D2

    Proccessor falling

    I see the others helped you with your question :) Just wanted to welcome you to AD.
  9. R2D2

    My 2-month old son has severe hearing loss

    Yes, I realise that you are taking a positive attitude and I'm not having a go at that. However, I am just seeing how much easier many everyday things are just through having oral and hearing skills (especially in relation to parenting and work) and do find for myself that when people minimize...
  10. R2D2

    My 2-month old son has severe hearing loss

    Yes, I can see that transliterating with toddler level books is something that is very doable with ASL. They are short, simple and not quite so tiring! The books I am currently reading with my daughter, she can't yet read by herself (she is 5) maybe in a year or two but she really enjoys...
  11. R2D2

    My 2-month old son has severe hearing loss

    Neither do I. I think there is a good argument for deaf kids starting off with sign so as to get language acquisition started as soon as possible. But I guess the message I sometimes see in posts is that very little oral language is needed by deaf people to function in all aspects of life and...
  12. R2D2


    E-mail at the best of times is not the best medium for getting into touch with someone about something urgent. Lots of businesses only check their e-mails every few days - even ones that deal with deaf clients! Don't you have a TTY or internet relay? That way you get hold of someone on the...
  13. R2D2

    My 2-month old son has severe hearing loss

    At the moment my daughter who is hearing is learning to read and as part of that process I read aloud to her every night as well. We are reading the pony pals series, which is quite wordy and I imagine that as she is a real book lover already, that we will be doing this for many years to come...
  14. R2D2


    Mine too. I did hear them with hearing aids, but have always loved that sound along with the sound of waves on the ocean.
  15. R2D2

    My CI got hit by baseball, and its broke!! *HELP**

    Sorry to hear this very unfortunate event has happened to you. I reckon that all the sounds that are happening in your head is tinnitus, which is very common in deaf people. It could be that because your CI isn't working anymore and you are not getting your usual sound input, the auditory...
  16. R2D2


    I would check this out promptly with your audiologist, who may refer you back to your surgeon if its to do with scar tissue or something inside the ear. One possibility could be that your magnet is too strong for you (which can make the head sore) and need to reduce the strength. But again...
  17. R2D2

    CI Moments

    Hi all, I noticed this thread has been delisted as a sticky for some reason that I don't know about and thought others should know in case they are wondering where it went too. I couldn't even find it and posted a query here...
  18. R2D2

    My 2-month old son has severe hearing loss

    Since your daughter is already 5, I completely understand your decision. It would be a huge amount of work for her to become orally fluent from a basis of where she has demonstrated a preference for ASL. In your shoes I too would want to strengthen the language skills she already has and just...
  19. R2D2

    CI moments thread

    Thanks for the prompt response :) Is there any possibility it can be made a sticky please again? It's just much easier to find and is a very ongoing thread. I see that nothing has replaced it in the sticky list and it remains active, so not sure of the reason why it was de-listed.
  20. R2D2

    CI moments thread

    Hi there, We had a CI moments thread that was a sticky on top of the CI and hearing aids forum. It was an active thread but seems at this exact moment in time to have completely disappeared! Is this temporary or just some blip?