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  1. napolicapitale

    sunrise, sunset, fog ...

    L'ultima è Canebola, giusto? :lol:
  2. napolicapitale

    Historic Chicago Tightrope Walk

    I'm longing for a walk on the rope! Piiiiiity there are no skyscrapers here, I think I'll go walking the road instead :lol:
  3. napolicapitale

    Hello:) I'm deaf from Japan!

    Hell yeah, do show me hidden corners of Japan! And, what do you think about the Japanese language? Do you find it easy to lip-read? Don't know about you, but I do rely on lip-reading. The problem with that is, I can manage to understand people as long as they are speaking in my native...
  4. napolicapitale

    Hello:) I'm deaf from Japan!

    Hello :) I am Italian so I get your point about a not-so-good English. Improving my English is one of the reasons why I'm here but, if I were asked to choose between the two options, I must confess I'd rather learn some basic Japanese words/expressions. I am soo fascinated by Japan! Will you...
  5. napolicapitale

    What did you learn today?

    And I guess he didn't know he is the first one :cool2: #justkidding
  6. napolicapitale

    What did you learn today?

    Stop quarreling with random people! Who are you mad at today? :lol:
  7. napolicapitale

    Deafness and nightdreaming

    And that would kickstart a telepathic war as well, wouldn't it? "Apocalypse now" (yeah, I am in the mood for movies today!)
  8. napolicapitale

    Deafness and nightdreaming

    Sounds like the main scene in a romantic movie :eek3: we might title it "Gone with the wind" I guess :lol: or a TV commercial: ":cool2: What are brand-new navigators for, when you got a scarf like this!" :)
  9. napolicapitale

    Deafness and nightdreaming

    Won't you share your dreams with us? :)
  10. napolicapitale

    Deafness and nightdreaming

    Ironia? Cos'è? Si mangia a colazione con le xette biscottate e il lievito kosher? :lol:
  11. napolicapitale

    Santa, elf fired after refusing to pose with little girl and her service dog

    Maybe Santa was fearful of little girls as well. That's understandable. Little girls are usually scary as hell. :lol: how lame :aw:
  12. napolicapitale

    Deafness and nightdreaming

    Ma guarda che la cosa era al famoso 50% :D ci ha insultati tutti e due per fare prima, capiscila, ma la parte "terroni" era per me (tu potresti essere pure di Sablici per quel che può saperne). Era la parte "pervertito" a riguardare te, al tuo posto mi preoccuperei di quella
  13. napolicapitale

    Deafness and nightdreaming

    That's a significant dream :) Io sono una ragazza comunque. E purtroppo devo concordare con la tua ultima frase a proposito di mortimer mouse, gli ho detto la stessa cosa pochi post fa.. solo in maniera leggermente più diplomatica :lol:
  14. napolicapitale

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    Beh no, Roma è troppo lontana, grazie lo stesso!
  15. napolicapitale

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    I was wondering, how would we communicate? :)
  16. napolicapitale

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    E kosh'è? È buono? Me lo consigli? È legale?
  17. napolicapitale

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    È tutta farina del mio sacco carissimo u.u e poi ammettilo: sei geloso :D
  18. napolicapitale

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    I'll take your word for it! I am planning to visit America, I just have no idea when :)
  19. napolicapitale

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    Hahah dai, sto male. E poi tu avresti scritto "before" u.u
  20. napolicapitale

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    So, I wonder whom I might ask for help should I end up in Chicago one day :)