Search results

  1. S

    Patriot Birthday!!!

    Happy Birthday!!!!
  2. S

    Snow on Mars!

    yes, I did read on newspaper this morning, hmm..
  3. S

    HI! I'm Tiarra!

    welcome to AD!
  4. S

    YouTube MTV- True Life: I'm Deaf

    very interesting!!! hm...
  5. S

    Hello! :)

    welcome in AD! :wave:
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    Welcome to AD! :wave:
  7. S

    unknown pregnancy

    true, my friend from germany did not know yet, that she is in 5 month pregnant. strange!!! she took wrong time one BC pills. her doctor told about BC, maybe it work or not, then she should take another BC pills. she felt more weight. so, it weird and waiting to get PMS. it is still not coming...
  8. S


    *ummm* strange!!!! i am not sure, she did remove it.
  9. S

    Probably not gonna be back....

    Oh nooo shit! it must be damn crazy of him. God will punish him. I am sorry to hear about that.
  10. S

    $700 Billion Bailout Voted Down

    yes, :giggle:
  11. S

    How did your parents feeling about you?

    How old did you move out of parents' house to be on your own? i was 16 yrs old and moved myself out of my mom, because i found a job as secretary at hospital. [/COLOR][/COLOR] Does your parents care about you to live with boyfriend/girlfriend before marry? my mom didn't much care about me. my...
  12. S

    Average age of AD Members

    correct! ;)
  13. S

    Have you ever ride on Cruise?

    i voted, I have never been it before.... well It is not for me. Maybe, later if i get old woman.
  14. S

    Should ASL be Banned from Deaf Ed programs?

    I agree with you. I voted No!
  15. S

    I'm new here!

    Heh.. Maybe, Do you know, what is your nickname "Doofenslim"? in Germany language is "Doof" --> "stupid" and "schlank" --> "slim" DOOFSCHLANK!! Ha :) anyway, welcome to AD!
  16. S


    right, i do used it too. :)
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    LOL funny :)
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    $700 Billion Bailout Voted Down

    I do like it, looks much better than old dollar bill...LOL
  19. S


    me too, LOL anyway, LT and DHB Happy Anniversary and good luck for your future :)