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  1. T

    Has anyone read this new study?

    She is accusing her of taking bribes.
  2. T

    Has anyone read this new study?

    Have you read all the accusations she has made about the integrity of this person? Not just on this thread but across many others.
  3. T

    Hard of hearing - daily/classroom difficulties

    Do you use an FM system? Do you get teacher of the deaf services, notetakers, captions on videos?
  4. T

    Has anyone read this new study?

    You are again making actionable, slanderous accusations against both Ann Geers and the Pediatrics publication. Do you have any sort of evidence to back this up?
  5. T

    Has anyone read this new study?

    Language deprived is not a scientific or educational term. As a teacher, I would have serious concerns if a child was not making more than month for month progress when enrolled in a language rich program. Without that, they will never close the gap.
  6. T

    Has anyone read this new study?

    They very clearly stated why the 40 were not included in the study. You are forming theories that do not align with the stated facts. St. Louis has public programs both in the city and county that use sign. The non-use statistics for people implanted before age 5 is around 3%.
  7. T

    Has anyone read this new study?

    Your claim was that the kids who continued to sign needed to sign, not because sign lowered their ability to understand spoken language, but because their impaired access to spoken language made them rely on sign. That would mean that all of those kids happened to start in the sign group. Why...
  8. T

    Has anyone read this new study?

    Of course we cannot yet determine the cause. We can, however, follow patterns.
  9. T

    Has anyone read this new study?

    That study is true, but your statement is not. You have absolutely no data that says that children who use sign have better vocabularies than those who don't.
  10. T

    Has anyone read this new study?

    Then why, in the original study, did none of the children who did not sign start signing? None of the spoken language only students needed to add sign.
  11. T

    Has anyone read this new study?

    Here is another study that says that a child benefiting from signing (called sign enhancement) was negatively correlated with higher levels of speech perception, speech intelligibility, language and literacy in high school (meaning they were less likely to be in the normal range)...
  12. T

    Has anyone read this new study?

    Parents would absolutely have the opportunity to visit a school and program. They would make arrangements with the administration and get a tour. A stranger on the phone would get no such thing. I would never attempt to call a school and ask a teacher of the deaf that I do not know about his/her...
  13. T

    Has anyone read this new study?

    It would be inappropriate for someone to call and ask a teacher about the students on their caseload. I would never answer questions about my students like that.
  14. T

    Has anyone read this new study?

    Because people involved in the education of the deaf should/would be interested in this information.
  15. T

    Has anyone read this new study?

    I have students whose primary language (at home and school) have been ASL including in the mainstream (with interpreters) and in the self-contained classes I have taught. They are, by far, a minority. I would guess, in the mainstream, one out of every 8-10 students uses an interpreter but in a...
  16. T

    Has anyone read this new study?

    I have worked in a large suburban school district as an itinerant teacher of the deaf (with students with every degree of hearing loss from 2nd grade through 11th), in an inner-city self-contained preschool program with students of all language modalities, in a birth to three setting with...
  17. T

    Has anyone read this new study?

    Absolutely, that is critical
  18. T

    Has anyone read this new study?

    She is the one claiming that her friends tell her these things. Her claims do not match my experiences or the research.
  19. T

    Has anyone read this new study?

    Which teachers? Where do they work? With what age children? When were the students implanted? What is the modality of the early intervention services the students get? What is the modality of the school they work in?
  20. T

    Has anyone read this new study?

    The only time that AVT discourages lipreading is during auditory only tasks. That is a minority of the time. When language, vocabulary or articulation is being worked on, lipreading is neither encouraged or discouraged. Often AV kids develop excellent lipreading skills during natural interactions.