if that's actually older, you might able to upgrade!!! (since you have AB, might wanna check to see you're affected for that recall
they just put out last week)
the Xceed looks pretty good (I'm looking at them soon for both of us) *SP for me, UP for Mom if hearing loss changes since she just turned 60*
might wanna check out Resound's new aids, the Enzo Qs too!
it has been since '18, I'll have to go back soon, get checked up and possibly some new hearing aids as well ;) *same for my mom since her first one was from 2014*
Oticon? it's freaking fantastic! (never worn a Phonak, I grew up on Siemens and Oticon as a child)
FYI I love that Oticon has their hearing aids pretty tiny too if you see my picture above
I know you like Phonak, but Oticon Opn plus power is really cool (and internet connected too, check that out too) *yes, I love to be trendy here LOL*
but yeah, looking forward to this after my birthday too ;)
FYI, OPN goes up to 105 if you're not bad as the others but their Dynamo goes up to 110...