Search results

  1. crps369

    Looking for best ENT in Ohio

    I'm currently going for a CI up in Cleveland. They have been wonderful to me.
  2. crps369

    Never have i ever ....

    9 for me... Been skydiving Had braces Had a massage Gone scuba diving Been to NYC Ran a marathon Been on a train Gone zip lining Gone on a cruise
  3. crps369

    CI process

    Thank you so much for replying. That was very helpful.
  4. crps369

    CI process

    I am being referred to a center, for an evaluation for a CI. Can anyone help me understand what all is going to happen??
  5. crps369

    How did you become deaf / hard of hearing?

    No one noticed that I had trouble hearing until I was 10. By then I was pretty good at lip reading. I was mainstreamed, with hearing aides. I had a hard time with them. When I was 19 I was diagnosed with Autoimmune Inner Ear Disorder and at 29 it took what was left of my hearing.
  6. crps369

    ASL Or SEE Or PSE? Which are you?

    I was taught PSE but I'm trying to learn ASL.
  7. crps369

    Happy Easter to all who celebrate it...

    Happy Easter to all who celebrate it...
  8. crps369

    I hate being in the hospital in the first place, but now the fight about interpreters is just...

    I hate being in the hospital in the first place, but now the fight about interpreters is just freaking insane....
  9. crps369

    Sleep...why have you forsaken me??

    Sleep...why have you forsaken me??
  10. crps369

    A year ago today, I lost my hearing. It has been an interesting year...

    A year ago today, I lost my hearing. It has been an interesting year...
  11. crps369

    Had a great birthday yesterday...

    Had a great birthday yesterday...
  12. crps369

    People in public places really annoy me...

    People in public places really annoy me...
  13. crps369

    Thank you

    Thank you
  14. crps369

    New deaf member here

  15. crps369

    RIP my friend...I know you aren't in pain anymore...

    RIP my friend...I know you aren't in pain anymore...
  16. crps369

    What are you doing right now? Part II

    Sitting here charging up my spinal cord stimulator and reading posts on here...
  17. crps369

    What are you thinking about? Part VIII

    How grateful I am to my family for helping me through this hard time...
  18. crps369

    What are you thinking about? Part VIII

    I just had my first interpreter. He was nice. I hope I never have to do remote interpreting. The doctor I seen was a joke though. I really hope I never see him again. All of this is still new to me and the doctors don't help...
  19. crps369

    What are you thinking about? Part VIII

    I've got a lot of doctors, but since I became deaf it is a lot harder dealing with them.