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  1. AlleyCat

    Seattle will require closed captioning for TVs in bars, restaurants and stadiums

    Our Vikings stadium has captioning during the football games. The Twins stadium does too.
  2. AlleyCat

    Random animals pic/gif

    So cute. Thank you for continuing to post these adorable photos.
  3. AlleyCat

    how the heck does one deaf guy dates?

    :roll: please go join a dating site.
  4. AlleyCat

    College Student Looking for Responses to a Short Survey About Deaf Riders of Public Transportation

    We aren’t guinea pigs. We’re real people. Come here and interact with us instead of just posting a survey that’s been done over and over. Thank you.
  5. AlleyCat

    Hearing people who are attracted to deaf people

    So so so wrong, and offensive. You don’t have a clue.
  6. AlleyCat

    Meeting Deaf people

    Sorry to say, but after seeing you post your email address online here so many times (which is always a bad idea!) it makes me think you’re a spammer. Just my two cents.
  7. AlleyCat


    There are. Google Harris Communications.
  8. AlleyCat

    Finally! back in here...

    Welcome back, RR! And boy, did your thread ever get hijacked. Guilty as charged. :lol:
  9. AlleyCat

    Finally! back in here...

    You forgot to ask if she would mind. :lol:
  10. AlleyCat

    Bird Feeders

    Lovely new photos, Cappy! A doe at my feeder a couple weeks ago:
  11. AlleyCat

    Ear Canal itches or feels full...

    Me too. I’m careful. I know my ear’s limits.
  12. AlleyCat

    Let’s help each other please

    I believe her statement was rhetorical. When we have a loss all our lives, it feels normal. How is it otherwise when we experience no different? (Yes, that was rhetorical too. No need to answer.)
  13. AlleyCat

    HoH and feeling a bit isolated

    So? Why knock down what others want to try? Your life experiences are not the same as the next 10 people standing in line next to you.
  14. AlleyCat

    Glossing help!

    Hi asdfghjklzxcvbm, Not likely. You’re being rude. Introduce yourself first and make a username other than 2 lines of the keyboard. Poor joke. Good luck.
  15. AlleyCat

    Which AD'er are you wondering about?

    :lol: You guys are hilarious.
  16. AlleyCat

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    Today was dandelion beheading day.
  17. AlleyCat

    What did you learn today? Part II

    Don’t change phones for that. You might be having a wi-fi issue. Try disconnecting from that. I do that whenever my phone is slow for a bit.
  18. AlleyCat

    Person Below Me

    Nope. TPBM, what’s your favorite photograph you took?