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    hey, look! another ignorant question...

    LOL, I usually wave my hand around or tap the person. My son does that when he wants my attention too. :ty:
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    Best/Worst Reaction of a person when you told them you were deaf.

    I am not deaf, but my son is. And some of the worst reactions I have gotten were, "well, God loves him anyway"; "why don't you teach him to read your lips instead of letting him use sign language?"; "oh, but he's so cute!" People are ignorant! One lady, on a public transportation, saw him...
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    Parents not accepting their child hearing lost

    I love my little buddy. He was born deaf and we are always trying to improve our signing ability to be able to communicate with him. He goes to an ASL curriculum school. He's 11 years old. Aviva:giggle:
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    Anyone willing to help a hearie learn ASL?

    learning ASL Todd, I am hearing also and have joined a local ASL group that meets every two weeks. I am going to my first meeting next week. I found it on Yahoo Groups, maybe there's one near where you live. Also, the local colleges offer ASL classes, you should check them out.
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    hi , iam deaf can u help me???

    What is CSUN? Sorry, just curious.
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    deaf harassed by poor signing dvd

    from a hearing mom of a deaf child I am a hearing mother of a profoundly deaf boy. I have had to endure the so called "hearing sign artists" who love to sign "beautifully" but totally without meaning. I know one woman, in particular, who teaches signing at a local community college and every...
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    Hello All From Massachusetts

    Hi all. I am a hearing mother of an 11 year old deaf boy. He goes to a school for the deaf in MA. Come visit my website and learn more about me! Here is the link- Ciao, Aviva
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    Please Help With My Research

    Hi, I am attaching a link to a Zoomerang survey that I created. I am doing research on access and other forensic issues for Deaf and H/H adults. Pass it along! Thank you! Link to survey: Aviva
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    Anyone Interested In Helping In A Research Project?

    I have a survey about Deaf peoples' experience in the Criminal Justice System. I am attaching it to this post. I appreciate anyone taking the time to help out. You can email the finished one back to me at: Thanks, Aviva
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    hi, I am new here

    Thanks to all. I look forward to chatting with you all.
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    hi, I am new here

    My name is Aviva and I am hearing. My little boy is deaf, since birth, and goes to a school for the deaf in Massachusetts that is ASL oriented. We communicate in sign with him and have been trying to continue to grow our signing skills for a number of years. Would like to meet some Deaf...