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  1. N

    Want to sign on webcam?

    Hi! I'm training to become an interpreter and I've discovered that I need way more communication using ASL. I've been going to deaf socials, but they are too few and far between. I love ASL (even after 2 years! :P) and I really enjoy signing with people, but I'm having a hard time finding people...
  2. N

    Too Nervous!

    Hi all. I always come here to talk about ASL stuff. Everyone here is so nice :) Anyway, I had a dilemma. I am not terrible at ASL and I love signing with people, but whenever I go to an event, I get super nervous and I can't sign as well. I start signing very slowly and I begin to worry that I'm...
  3. N

    Baby Signs & the importance of ASL

    I'm a hearing person new to the the culture of the deaf community, I guess I don't understand why deaf babies are being denied being taught ASL. I'm not trying to strike up an argument, I'm just a curious observer of the topic :)
  4. N

    Baby Signs & the importance of ASL

    There is a poster at the beginning of the topic (I can't remember their name!), and I agree with them. I think it's great for hearing, HOH, AND deaf babies to learn ASL. Once those babies grow up, if they still sign throughout their life, then they can teach their babies how to sign as well. It...
  5. N

    First Post

    Thank you very much! I'm really excited :D I've read many topics before I signed up and I'm very happy to have registered :)
  6. N

    First Post

    Thank you very much, Shadow :) I see that you post on this website a lot.
  7. N

    First Post

    I'm very excited, this is my first post! Hi, My name is Nathan, I live in California. I'm learning ASL in College and I hope to become an interpreter. Now, I should mention that I cannot interpret right now. I know that many people get offered interpreting positions even before they are fully...