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  1. C

    Please help

    My project is nearing it's completion. I have a question though for all who responded... Would you allow me to cite chosen quotes from your responses? I will cite using your screennames, as well as by providing a link to this thread, your privacy will remain. If any of you who responded to my...
  2. C

    Is it OK for an ASL teacher to be Hearing?

    Maybe, true... but at least it wasn't just normal disrespectful talk about anything... true it still is disrespectful but at least those who were talking were actually just helping the other students understand what the teacher was signing.
  3. C

    Is it OK for an ASL teacher to be Hearing?

    I agree with all that has been said. I feel that as long as the hearing teacher is perfectly fine at ASL than she/he should be able to teach it. I just brought this up because my ASL teacher (the hearing one) said that she had actually received negative comments from another teacher who was...
  4. C

    Is it OK for an ASL teacher to be Hearing?

    Hey all, This isn't a question about "deaf" education... but rather the education of hearing people in ASL. I figure this is still the right place to put this thread... I was just wondering what your thoughts are about a Hearing ASL teacher. I'm a hearing college student taking ASL 2 at the...
  5. C

    Please help

    I just have a general question, more out of curiosity than anything else... it might be different for you since your hoh rather than deaf, (or it might be the same i just don't know) but for a deaf person in college, do they go to class with everyone else and an interpretor stands up front with...
  6. C

    Please help

    @ AniJ : Thanks for the very thorough reply to my questions. Very helpful. Great that you were able to compare the USA and Canada a bit, that's interesting. Also many of your answers seemed to confirm a lot of my beliefs and predictions that perhaps a lot of the discrimination that exists could...
  7. C

    What Ticks You Off (Most) About The Deaf Culture?

    What ticks me off most about the deaf culture? Kind of the same as some other posts... It's the same with all "minorities," there are some individuals in these minorities that seem to just complain about being discriminated against. Sure there is discrimination and sure this is unfair, but...
  8. C

    Please help

    First of all I want to thank everyone that has commented so far. Second, I see that my thread has been moved from the ADA section. This is appropriate, and I'm sorry for placing in the wrong place first. I had thought the discussion may consist of ADA related stuff but it ended up not...
  9. C

    Please help

    It would be great hearing from you too! thanks.
  10. C

    Please help

    Thanks for the reply PowerON!! Can anyone comment on what they know about the difference between the north and south and the difference in job opportunities. my deaf friend said that things are better in the north, can anyone agree with this? Thanks guys. Also if someone can maybe...
  11. C

    Please help

    Thanks for helping. Sorry I didn't see this before!
  12. C

    Please help

    Of course, I didn't think about the privacy issue. My fault. For those of you who want to reply to this but don't want to do it publicly please just send me a private message on this site, email me at, or even IM me through AIM my screen name is competes2win . Thanks and sorry...
  13. C

    Please help

    Hello, I'm a hearing college student working on a thesis project in order to graduate. My topic is deaf job discrimination, and I'm working closely with my ASL professor. It would help me if you guys can answer some of these questions for me out of your own experiences. Thanks so much for your...
  14. C

    Hello Everyone...

    Thanks for the warm welcome! You will for sure see more of me. Looking forward to using this site often.
  15. C

    Hello Everyone...

    Hey everyone. I'm new to this site, just thought I would stop by and make a quick "hello post." I am actually a hearing individual, a college student. I study ASL and I am working on an Honors College thesis at my school about Deaf Job Discrimination. I felt that a site like this would help...