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  1. P

    A Question of Terminology

    I could find no other resource. My initial attempt was to Google "is mute a rude term" and it came up with nothing about voicelessness and everything about deafness. I couldn't find a muteness forum or any other resources (my Google-fu might be weak), so I'm trying this as a secondary resource.
  2. P

    A Question of Terminology

    So, here's the question that actually brought me here initially. My question might raise some people's hackles as it sounds like I'm asking about an archaic and offensive term, but please hear me out. When discussing people who are actually voiceless (not that they can't hear, but they...
  3. P


    I feel mildly out of place, as I registered to ask a single question. Still, always good to find new company. I'm a lawyer and a geek. An avid, avid, geek. I'm also the kind of person who can go down rabbit holes in Google Scholar (Wikipedia and TVTropes are like abyssal quicksand to me)...