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  1. Mudkipz

    What Are You Reading Right now?

    What about math? Is the standards high to major in accounting and such? You know I got question. What is one important thing does the person whose profession is accounting knows that other people don't know about? (Agh might be bad phrase right there.) And kudos, hope you pull through. Hard...
  2. Mudkipz

    What Are You Reading Right now?

    There's waiting lists? Heh. Why doesn't the library just loan it out to everyone? How does this eBook loaning system work? It's electronic stuff you know.
  3. Mudkipz

    What Are You Reading Right now?

    5 years of experiences... wow. You have any projects of work perhaps you can show?
  4. Mudkipz

    What Are You Reading Right now?

    That's the newest one by Barnes & Nobles! How is it comparing to Kindle eReader? Nook has bigger selection of books, so that alone might be better than Kindle, plus the touch screen, which all Kindle devices don't have.
  5. Mudkipz

    What Are You Reading Right now?

    I want to get one, but I don't read much (yet). Considering it as a reward once I read all of these stack of new books I ordered in my room. That is a cool example, and something to think about. Built-in dictionary too, so no carrying a dictionary should you come across a word you don't...
  6. Mudkipz

    What Are You Reading Right now?

    I don't like making a single mistake though and wonder what is wrong with my website, especially when I expect it to be awesome when finished. Bet it takes forever to see what's wrong with the code list unless there's a software to check for errors. :eek3: Nonetheless, I hope you pull...
  7. Mudkipz

    What Are You Reading Right now?

    Excel for Dummies? Are you keeping records, making charts for somebody or what? Studying business? Just curious. I have seen those books and it tells me I should know it by now. You know... :cool2:
  8. Mudkipz

    What Are You Reading Right now?

    I was thrilled when I made my own website for first time. However it only said "Hello! Welcome to my website." with different fonts, size, and all. Lots of websites are made in html, so it's interesting. Interesting to see how long the code list is, especially from a cool-looking website. I need...
  9. Mudkipz

    What are you thinking about? Part IV

    Just how important is credit score? What if I want to take out a loan for a car? How high would my credit score has to be in order to get one? Is there a list/chart for something like that?
  10. Mudkipz

    What Are You Reading Right now?

    I have HTML, XHTML, & CCS For Dummies book. Grab a Notepad on your computer and get started! :D
  11. Mudkipz

    So I had a job interview today...

    wouldn't. You should try asking him about it though as school is more of a important 'matter', especially if your boss already lets you take time off for your doctor appointment in the first place. I'm wondering so bear with me, why are your hours not stable? does your boss tell you to work...
  12. Mudkipz

    Few very hot topics should be banned

    Have you read the messages in their forums? ( It's really hilarious, however its a satire at a high level, high enough to lure and fool many people into trying to be "saved". I'd say they're doing a good job, but good riddance should they come to a unfortunate event. Not so...
  13. Mudkipz

    Few very hot topics should be banned

    How can these trolls keep this up though? Especially in a such persuasive way to the unknowingly audience/newcomers to that site. It's really fake, but they keep it genuine. They also delete posts that states otherwise.
  14. Mudkipz

    What did you learn today? Part II

    Okay excuse me if I don't have the right words to put it this way: So you just happened to be born without hair follies with no connections from your parents whatsoever? Is that like 1 in the thousands for that to happen? Because of this (no genetics passed on) can you pass it on to a child as...
  15. Mudkipz

    Few very hot topics should be banned

    I wouldn't want to participate in religious discussions at Debates at its finest :eek3:
  16. Mudkipz

    What did you learn today? Part II

    Thank you. It makes sense. I looked up CMV and its symptoms. Likely, but not absolutely passable onto a child. Percentages? It would be interesting. If a parent loses his/her hearing due to excessive loud noise, it wouldn't be passed onto a child as its not genetic from the parents.
  17. Mudkipz

    What did you learn today? Part II

    Mendel law! I remember that back in school, but of course for me, it wasn't 'interesting' for me at the time. :lol: Random articles upon Google search, so ill keep this in mind. Thanks
  18. Mudkipz

    What did you learn today? Part II

    I don't want to sound ignorant as I'm curious and don't know how to ask this in an appropriate way, but...: let's say you are deaf or have symptoms lending to hearing loss and you marry a normal hearing. Would the newborn child have a greater chance of being born deaf? What if both parents are...
  19. Mudkipz

    Is sign language Universal?

    Awesome. The tendency to go to Japan... something to think about.
  20. Mudkipz

    So I had a job interview today...

    Sans club and Costco has the best benefits on the side along with the job, I heard.