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  1. D

    learning English

    I enjoyed your story about your daughter learning ASL first, and English only after- and still using ASL fully after the CI. I have a co-worker who's son is deaf; they chose a CI which he received at 18 months and the little boy is fluent in English. He uses a special system in school, where...
  2. D

    learning English

    makes sense that ASL first, and then reading English - I learned to speak before learning to read too! The other way around would mean a child could not speak until he/she reads. Anyone who is hearing and had deaf children and taught them ASL? interested how one would start, since it's a 2nd...
  3. D

    learning English

    Hi; please forgive my ignorance, I am hearing with no one Deaf in my immediate circle. I want to understand how a Deaf person (with ASL, or another signed language as a first language) learns English (or another written/oral language); for me, spelling is easy because it's somewhat...
  4. D

    Newbies: Quick FAQs

    my intro: Anne in Canada Hi everyone; I'm Anne, living in Canada, hearing. I'm a teacher and medical researcher who's always been interested in the Deaf culture/community and want to learn more. I'm starting to learn ASL. I've given lectures about the ethics of cochlear implants and I...