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  1. Cylly1


    ASL is a hobby, it's not my native language. Neither are the other languages I've been practicing. I've got a smart mouth because I'm not gonna let you guys bully me out of learning this language, the way that's best for me. I'm not above anyone, I'm only a student and I find that's the best way...
  2. Cylly1


    I guess it takes pissing people off to get some ASL life changing information. No hard feelings to any of them... all honesty I just want to learn. I can't change their opinions of me or this situation, but I can listen and respond to them.
  3. Cylly1


    Well i believe the hearing society should learn ASL just as much as any other language, because in all it just connects you to people. I don't have any money for classes and they don't offer it at my school. I've hardly gotten any responses on here for ASL teachers so... what am i to do? This is...
  4. Cylly1


    So they never practice on their own, because that's insulting?
  5. Cylly1


    So anyone who uses another language is a wanna be? When I spoke Chinese to the people in the Chinese restaurant, they said my chinese was really good. Same with my Japanese when i use it in public. But the only reason I use Sign Language is because it's closest to English, so maybe they'll...
  6. Cylly1


    So using another language is being a "wannabe", what about all the interpreters? for any other language? guess they're "wannabes" too. I already know how to stand on my head, practicing ASL was next. ^^
  7. Cylly1


    It's not like I yelled "gotcha I was just kidding"... so my guess is you only posted this reply because you didn't know what else to say. I use Sign Language when I talk to people in public anyway, so what's the difference if I just stop talking when I do it?
  8. Cylly1


    That's a disease, not a language. Are you implying deafness is a disease since "That's pretty much what I'm doing"? And maybe next time if they do meet a deaf person, they'll know more sign than they did before.
  9. Cylly1


    Well I didn't mean to offend you. Please tell me why it is, why is practicing a language out with other people insulting? I find that people know a lot more Sign language then they let on. I use to just practice with my friends, but they didn't know any unless they really watched me. Then I just...
  10. Cylly1

    Students Looking for ASL buddies

    Would you like to practice with me? my Skype name is fatimaking92 ^^
  11. Cylly1


    I know (it'll) probably (seem) wrong, but I found it interesting to do. Sometimes when I go out to public places like restaurants or just out with my friends I start using sign language to people I don't know just to see what happens. My friends go along with it and pretend I'm deaf as well...
  12. Cylly1

    SEE vs ASL

    And maybe you're right, I do see what you're talking about them not getting jobs like everyone else, but that's what SEE is for. People should learn more than one language, but not because it's socially retarded or whatever. You can't change what ASL is, it's a language, but that's why...
  13. Cylly1

    SEE vs ASL

    Maybe you need to reread all the post before because I did say SEE is not a language. And Reba agreed.Oopsie! SEE is not a language. The reason you didn't respond to the culture names is because you couldn't find anything to argue about. SEE is used to make English visible to Those who can't...
  14. Cylly1

    HI...Hearing ASL 1 student looking for friends to chat!

    Yeah that's pretty much the same boat i'm in ^^ I'm learning a lot quickly though. Don't let people discourage you from learning. I'm sure it's a wonderful language once we become fluent ^^
  15. Cylly1

    SEE vs ASL

    It's so funny how you guys just want to argue, but I'll engage you because that's all you're looking for. And I know that to be true because you completely skip/ignore the parts that actually hold some meaning. You said I was stalking you when I just replied to your time. And I bet...
  16. Cylly1

    SEE vs ASL

    I don't care if you post for a millennia, you're constantly following my post just so you can catch me in a mistake. I don't care if you comment on my post, but you're purposefully seeking out what you think are mistakes. And now you've completely forgotten what the guy originally said, because...
  17. Cylly1

    SEE vs ASL

    No, you responded to my post now I'm responding back. Because you just joined the convo so why wouldn't i respond if you're talking to me?
  18. Cylly1

    SEE vs ASL

    Yeah she probably was around before me, but I stopped listening and posting to her because of another post and if you can go around the other threads and point out where I initiated the post between that would help you before you jump into someone else comments before you actually know what's...
  19. Cylly1

    SEE vs ASL

  20. Cylly1

    SEE vs ASL

    Yeah, now he's also being a copy cat...great... And my quote was originally to someone else about something they said, so...