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  1. Cylly1


    Not when they're giving me useful information now.
  2. Cylly1


    If I saw you signing and I just walked up to you and started signing, would you ask me if I was hearing or deaf? When I went to the restaurant, I didn't pretend like I couldn't hear, I just didn't use my voice, so people just assumed and I guess that's where the pretense came from. It was more...
  3. Cylly1


    Thank you. I am really sorry if I offended you or anyone else. I just feel like I've wasted so much time already. When I came to college all these other language options opened up for me and I get jealous of the foreigners that come to my school, because by the time they get there, they already...
  4. Cylly1


    Yes it is. I agree with you, but I've clearly offended you and everyone on here perhaps and now you're just willing to teach me?... I'm skeptical. I've only wanted a teacher, but if I make videos it'll open me up to more rejection, right? I mean you did say i'd get an ear full and an eye full...
  5. Cylly1


    what kind of website is signingsavvy? because it shows a list of words even though some of them are repeated or use the same sign. Is that website PSE?
  6. Cylly1


    Right, there's not ASL classes offered at my college, which is dumb because I know they probably have the money to do so. There are some colleges a little ways from me that offer classes, but like i said i'm broke and they probably wouldn't let me enroll it into my major if i tried to go through...
  7. Cylly1


    When I picked up ASL from life print I never used the 'ing' 'ed' and all of that because if you can communicate the idea without it then why use it. I found it confusing to add it.
  8. Cylly1


    I probably would do that but I think it would lead to further discrimination... unless you guys are actually willing to teach me and not bash me...
  9. Cylly1


    I was using the sign and sentence structure from Lifeprint. Which someone recommended for me on here. Before that, yeah I was using SEE, but even then I was looking up the signs on website recommend to me.
  10. Cylly1


    You weren't actually there. I was making the correct signs, because I do actually look up the signs. I know more than the avg person who doesn't study, I just thought getting on here would actually help more with speed.
  11. Cylly1


    Well, I'm not around a deaf community that I know of. Anything that was related to deaf events... i've tried. Online is easiest for me. So if you want to mail me someone I can practice ASL with then that'd be great. I don't have money for classes so this is the best I've got. I recently had...
  12. Cylly1


    Like I said people know more Sign Language than they think, because when I signed to the person they knew what I was talking about.. I just want to know how much.
  13. Cylly1


    How can I pretend to be Japanese or Chinese, short of speaking the language? I didn't think it was wrong at the time when I did it, but I thought it would be wrong they way you guys took it... I also added I didn't mean to offend anyone...
  14. Cylly1


    How can you go from what a person writes to what they look like... believe it or not that is me and it's just a pic. I can't help if you think it's "seductive" but thanks ^^
  15. Cylly1


    How do you get to define how someone practices? I sign the songs I listen to, I sign the conversations I'm apart of... practicing in front of the mirror is not the only way... and I don't go up to random strangers. I really don't understand how it's different from using any other language. My...
  16. Cylly1


    Okay. I can understand that, but I value the language just as much as any other language I've been practicing. I don't make a "mockery" of Japanese when I speak it or Chinese... or ASL. I just don't think it's wrong to practice a language on your own, because I don't have money for course and...
  17. Cylly1


    I go to a college that is actually funding my trip for Japan or else I would not be going. I work a campus that doesn't even give me a real salary...3.90/hr. And we're not allowed to get jobs off of campus. And then they charge so much money to pay for the term bill they actually do charge you...
  18. Cylly1


    Yeah because every time I tried to contact him he was busy...only so far you can go. Nice of you recall my intro thread..
  19. Cylly1


    Do they cost money? the websites? I have looked for "deaf meets" but they are very elusive and always when I'm doing something else. Like the deaf bowling... that I showed up to one night only to find them not meeting any more bc schools out.
  20. Cylly1


    Too bad there's not a lot of places to meet deaf people here. Thought I could find someone to Skype with. And please explain what my other reasons for being here would be? ^_^