Recent content by EllietheEncourager

  1. EllietheEncourager

    All-time favorite Video Games

    Skyrim is soooo addictive! I love it. I played as a Khajiit! Tabaxi if I play D&D. haha
  2. EllietheEncourager

    Returning User

    It's good you came back and I hope the signs come back to you soon! Also, I have a cousin in Ashville and know what you guys just went through with the storms. I hope you and yours are ok.
  3. EllietheEncourager

    school experiences, good/bad?

    I am so sorry you experienced such horrific treatment from those that were supposed to guide and educate you. Or anyone for that matter. I only hope you got that help and caring you needed in the end. I, too, was heavily bullied in school They are supposed to be safe places but it seems to be...
  4. EllietheEncourager

    What are your favorite sitcoms?

    How I Met Your Mother, Good Place, Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, Ghosts, and Girlfriends. So many good ones out there.
  5. EllietheEncourager

    I Wrote A Book! Now What?

    It is a huge accomplishment that you wrote it at all. A friend of mine wrote a book and had his friends read it for editing or soundboarding ideas. Have you let anyone close to you read it? Or post it on a self publishing website for peer review? just a thought. Congratulations on finishing!
  6. EllietheEncourager

    Site Redesign & Enhancements Coming Soon

    I don't see a comment but out of context it seems like someone asked about a dark mode? That would be great. I use it for everything to help with fewer migraine triggers. Thank you for working on it! Take care
  7. EllietheEncourager

    The first signs of Spring! We have a few left here, too. It feels like they held on longer this...

    The first signs of Spring! We have a few left here, too. It feels like they held on longer this year. I hope that is a good sign for the flowers and gardens this season. Hope this finds you well, Analog!
  8. EllietheEncourager

    What are you doing right now? Part II

    Stretching your artistic range and growing, good for you! A break to rest and restore energy is needed at times. I'm sorry you and yours are sick. I hope everyone feels better soon. I had a painful dentist appointment yesterday but am feeling mostly better this morning. Hope you have a good...
  9. EllietheEncourager

    What are you doing right now? Part II

    I can see why; it looks greedy and senseless to try to undermine one of their own. I would have thought Alexis of all people would do better after watching all the episodes of The Sound Off Ladies. If she wants more sales, maybe look inward instead of taking fellow community members down with...
  10. EllietheEncourager

    What are you doing right now? Part II

    Thank you so much for sharing; I have bought stickers from 58 Creations and looked at the ILY necklaces on RoseBYAnder but couldn't afford the price tag. I don't see the infringement; 58 Owner is right- there are variations and no stone options in hers. Just a more affordable price point for a...
  11. EllietheEncourager

    What are you doing right now? Part II

    I didn't know there was controversy with them. Could you tell me more, please? I did try to look it up and couldn't find anything.
  12. EllietheEncourager

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    Best of luck and a healthy recover to you!!
  13. EllietheEncourager

    5 things to keep in mind for a relationship to last:

    That is such a good way to put it! I love this analogy!
  14. EllietheEncourager

    What dating app do you use?

    I'm sorry someone stole your number; that must be scary and frustrating. Tinder is far from the only dating app. Bumble is one led by women, invented by a woman that had a hand in designing Tinder but it morphed into something she wasn't pleased with so she made her own. Bumble lets the woman...