Thinking about what kind of birthday present should I get for dad.
Thinking about are trip to New York and Canada really worth? It's a family trip to see my sister who living in CA for months since left England (UK)
Hello. Let's me introduce myself again. My name is Melon-- not real name heh. I'm also deaf. I use BSL-- British Sign Language and 5% of American Sign Language heh. I'm from United Kingdom-- not fan of it lately because of Brexit. BTW I used to come here until 2014. I feel regret as some sent me...
Really? I remember some hearing chick came up and asked us "How do you say 'sexy'", didn't say "how do you sign". Maybe it is difference between American and British.
Hi, I'd love to befriend with deaf people and chat somehow and learn about our deaf culture, sign language and so much more. It might build my chance to meet up at deaf event or whatever -- honestly, I had never travel to other side of the world.
I am deaf man and 28 yrs old. I love to...
Hi, I am 28yrs old and is deaf. I am very much deaf world side because I am not good with hearing. they make me sometime nervous and end up look down on me :/ I'd love to make deaf friends (hearing with sign language possible) in close to my age and willing to learn their country's sign language...
I am deaf myself and always wanted to befriend a deaf american... isn't it a bit strange, huh?I had a friend came from PS3 who deaf but doesn't come online a lot. I kinda miss talking with him. So I am looking forward to make one or two friend oversea ^__^
For me, I am deaf which make me clumsy more than any of my friends :/ I don't mind being who I am ^__^
Another opinion, every time they mention 'deaf', I image of the deaf people with sign language with or without voice just like me. HOH is someone who lost their sense of hearing and sometime...
When I born as a profoundly deaf, parents took sign language class on behalf of me. Guess I have the parents that loves me deeply than everything in the world. I am not say that I am luckier one anyway